Deputy Sanchez And Morgan.

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"Arthur!" Dutch shouts from his tent, cigar in hand. Arthur rolled his shoulders as he dragged himself from his bed, feeling the back pain from the uncomfortable bed. He had left the camp again for a few days, though Dutch were not pleased with him. Elizabeth hadn't caused any trouble whilst he was gone, she kept her head down and did her work.

"Morning' Dutch," he yawns as he places his hat on his head. Micah sat next to Dutch, smiling creepily at Arthur. "Mornin' rat," he quietly adds.

"This is a fine morning gentleman, let's keep it civil," Dutch announces as he stands between the two. Micah scoffs and walks away, slamming his shoulder into Bill as he does.

"What's the plan for today?" Arthur asked. rubbing his eye. He wanted more sleep than do any actual work, but his vigorous early waking up routine never let him.

Dutch smiled over Arthur's shoulder, he turned to see Elizabeth approaching them both. He couldn't help his eyes travel down her body, the tight leather waist jacket, the red shirt was tucked in tightly with her black leather trousers hugging every part of her tightly. "Nice to see you, Miss Sanchez," Dutch smiles.

"Morning gentleman," she says, coming to a stop next to Arthur. She copied his stance, her hands resting lazily on her navy red gun belt. Arthur never knew a woman could look so good when dressed ready to murder people. He cleared his throat and tipped his hat, hiding his blushed cheeks.

"I need you both to ride out to Rhodes, I've convinced our friend Leigh Gray to allow Elizabeth to join us in becoming a deputy." He pauses to take a drag of his cigar, blowing the smoke in their faces. "He has worked for you both, and it seems the Braithwaites are causing him some problems."

Arthur scratched the stubble along his sharp jawline. He didn't like the idea of causing more trouble in another town, soon they'd have nowhere to hide. "I don't like this, Dutch," he comments.

"You don't want to be causing trouble with the Grays and Braithwaites, Dutch. They are bad news. I've run into their bounty hunters many times before and they'd rarely stand down, even for me." Elizabeth had killed two of the Briathwaites bounty hunters when they tried to steal her take, the man was already dead. Killing himself to get out of prison, but his body would still bring her some money.

"When I ask for both your opinions, I will consider it," Dutch snarled. "Get going, now!" Arthur grumbled and walked off, dragging Elizabeth with him.

"Why is he like that?" she asked, annoyed at his attitude. Arthur stopped by their horses, getting his saddle and bridle.

"It's his way, just ignore him," he mumbles. Elizabeth looked over at Dutch, the man scratched his head, seemingly looking very lost with himself. She shook her head and got Epona ready, she missed her Shire very much.

"I can't stay with you forever, Arthur. I need to leave this place." Arthur looked at her from across the other side of his horse, his hands both passed over the saddle.

"You try and leave now, you'll be killed before you make it out," he whispers. The conversation was not for any of the other gang members. Elizabeth sighed, shaking her head. She knew he was right, but she needed to get back to Valentine, she didn't care about capturing Arthur anymore.


They arrived in Rhodes just twenty minutes later, the sheriff's office was the last building before leaving on the other side of town. Elizabeth pulled her hat lower, the sweeping sand made it a struggle to see. "Here," Arthur shouted, chucking a badge at her. "Deputy Sanchez," he sarcastically adds.

"Great," she drawls. Attaching it to her jacket. They hitched the horses to the posts out and made their way inside.

The prison was small, about half the size of the one in Valentine. Elizabeth saw the cells were empty, there were two desks, one was occupied by the sleeping and drooling man, a bottle of moonshine next to him. "The fool of a drunk," Arthur mutters, sitting himself down at the other desk, he put his feet up and leans back with a satisfied sigh.

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