Failing Relationship's.

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With the camp getting back on track, everyone seemed to be settling down and showing signs of being happy. Well, everyone except Dutch. The man was angry all the time, Elizabeth noticed a lot of the time he would be talking to himself and would rub a certain spot on the left side of his head.

Micah was the only one who he seemed to let near him without snapping at him. Dutch had already shouted at just about everyone in the camp, even Mrs Grimshaw. The one woman who could usually control him couldn't do it anymore.

Elizabeth finally had enough when that morning she saw little Jack minding his business trying to call his dog. The boy's dog had been missing for three days, and no one could find him. Elizabeth knew exactly what happened, and so did Micah.

"Hey kid, shut up. The dog is gone," Micah shouts from the chair he was leaning into, a newspaper in hand. Jack looks at him, his lip trembling.

"That's not true," he shouts in a small voice. Elizabeth moves closer, wanting to guard the kid. Abigail nor John was anywhere to be seen.

Micah laughs, folding his paper up and slowly stalking towards Jack. "It is. I made sure he won't be coming back," he spits. Jack lets out a cry, Elizabeth is instantly by his side. She pushes him back.

"Fuck off, Micah. Leave him alone," she growls as she pulls Jack behind her. He holds onto her thigh, keeping his arms tightly wrapped around her.

Micah sniffs her, she feels repulsed by him. "You are not a very nice woman, Elizabeth Sanchez," he says with a creepy smile.

"Seriously, Micah. I will shoot you again, this time more up towards your face," she says backing away with Jack. Dutch was stood by his tent, watching and not even caring to help. He seemed to even enjoy her and Jack being tormented.

"You got lucky last time. Try that again and I'll fuck you better than Morgan," he snarls. Elizabeth didn't know if she could handle her rage anymore, she screamed as she threw her hands around his throat.

"Fuck you, Micah," she spits in his mouth as she overpowers him to the ground, not letting up on the grip to his neck. Jack was now crying, calling for his uncle Arthur. But he wasn't there, Arthur had left with Charles to aid the Indian tribe he'd been helping for a few weeks already.

"Elizabeth!" Dutch shouts, pulling her off Micah. The man coughs as he holds his bruised throat. "You have caused enough trouble."

"And he hasn't?" she shouts, pointing at Micah behind Dutch. "He just said he'd fuck me! You heard it and did nothing." She saw Dutch clench his fists. "You don't do anything, anymore," she whispers.

"Mind your tongue, woman," he warns with a warning finger. Elizabeth didn't care anymore, she hated the man with a burning passion. He was making everyone feel miserable and only cared if they brought him money or ideas for a good robbery.

"You mind your own fucking tongue, Dutch. This whole camp is sick of your shit," she shouts.

Elizabeth wasn't sure if it was the sound of Jack that startled her, but time slowed down as she heard the bones in her nose crunch. Dutch's fist being the cause of it. "I said. Mind. Your. Tongue," he spits just inches from her face.

Elizabeth holds her breath, wanting to scream. The adrenaline hid the pain, she wanted to pounce. To kill him right there, not caring for anything anymore. But she was stopped, John grabbed her and pulled her away with Jack following.

"Get off me," she orders, trying to break free. John continues to pull her to his tent, Abigail was in there as well. "I'm going to kill him," she spits as he finally releases her. She stumbles forward as her balance is caught off guard.

"This is not helping," John shouts in a low tone. Elizabeth glares at him, pushing past to sit down next to Abigail.

"How are you so quiet about this?" Elizabeth asked the silent woman. Abigail was usually the first one with an opinion, but lately, she had been very quiet about all the shit in camp. The pain was finally hitting her, her cheek quickly becoming red and swollen.

"Here," Abigail says, passing her a cold rag. She hisses as it hits her cheekbone, she has definitely broken it. "We need to buy our time, causing trouble will make it harder for us all to leave. Arthur and John are planning on leaving with us very soon."

"How soon?" Elizabeth asked, very much ready to get out of there. Bill had come to the tent, looking somewhat withdrawn as he looked at Elizabeth, seeing she was in a lot of pain, he actually felt bad for her.

"You okay?" he asks. John eyed him, wary of his motives.

"Just wonderful. I need to know, Bill," Elizabeth whispers as she motions him fully into the tent. "What exactly happened on that island you got stranded on?" Bill looked at the ground sighing heavily.

They all watched as he scratched his beard and kicked his foot out, he was paranoid to even say anything. "It's Dutch, he became insane on that island. Wanting power at any costs," he explains. John leans against the tent post, now invested enough to stick around and listen. "He strangled some native old woman, killed many. It got worse when he got hurt."

"What do you mean?" John asks, he didn't know of anything about Dutch being hurt from his little adventure.

"He fell from this rock and hit his head, out cold for two days," Bill explains. Elizabeth clicks her fingers, also wincing from the pain.

"I've seen him rub a certain part of his head for quite a few days now. I think he's done damage to his brain." John only looked even more dumbfounded, not getting a single bit of her explanation. "John!" she snaps. "His brain! His behaviour has changed because of some sort of damage to his brain, he doesn't realize he is becoming angry or jumpy all the time."

"Oh," he simply answers. John never went to school, he could barely name all the parts of his own body without help from Abigail. He knew where to strike to kill someone, though!

"Anyway," Bill drawls. "This... damage has made him worse since waking up. I'm ain't surprised he hasn't attacked anyone other than you," Bill says.

"Attack who?" Arthur asks as he comes into the tent. The air is instantly changed in spite as he looks at his love, seeing her bruised cheek and bleeding skin. "Dutch?" he says, not really needing confirmation. "I'll kill him." John pulls him back,

"Wait," Elizabeth shouts, she gets up to let him inspect the damage. "We need to keep our distance, soon we will all leave," she says. Bill only coughs and leaves, not even wanting to be part of their suicidal plans.

"Can we trust Bill?" Abigail asks. John and even Arthur nodded. Bill might not agree with their idea, but he wasn't stupid enough to go snitching on them all. Arthur would make him suffer if he even tried and the older man knew that.

"We will leave soon, just a few more days. I still need to help Charles," Arthur says. He'd been making good progress with the Indian tribe, he'd helped them a lot and was close to getting them the peace they so desperately needed.

"Good," John says, leaving the tent to resume his chores. They had to act normal, though Dutch knew he would have gotten under Arthur's skin for hurting Elizabeth.

They just needed time.

A/N: So I'm close to the end of the main story before moving over to the epilogue. I know it's not exactly down to the details of the game, but I didn't want it to be. Everyone along the way would be mentioned, but that's all I really wanted to do. My main objective is the safety and happiness of the Marstons and Morgans. 

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