No Stability.

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The weeks since returning to Colter and Arthur's horrid sickness had passed and what little of a life they'd made in their small shack was coming together. Arthur was back on his feet, now running the show, though the loss of Hosea had hit him hard. He spent most of his time going into Saint-Denis looking for some way the gang could make some money.

Mary-Beth wouldn't stop talking Elizabeth's ear off about the book she hoped to write. She just wished to bring some decent, well-earned money in. Writing a book was near impossible right now, and Elizabeth felt for the young girl, she was so optimistic.

Word had spread about the disappearance of the great Dutch Van Der Linde, Arthur only hoped that meant they had some breathing space from the Pinkertons and O'driscolls.

"Jack, come eat your dinner," Abigail called her son for the second time. It was nice for them to be back with their family, she had missed them and had a lot of catching up to do with Elizabeth.

Pearson had prepared some meat and veg he was able to pick up in Rhodes. That town had moved on quickly from the loss of two great houses, it seemed the families were hated very much and the residents were happy to see them both gone for good.

"Where are Arthur and Charles?" Abigail asks from across the fire, it started to get dark and John's wandering was annoying everyone.

"Charles mentioned offering his help to some local tribe, Arthur offered to go with him. They seem like nice people, god knows we ruined their land," Elizabeth grimly says. She ran into many Native Americans during her travels in the vast forests, most kept to themselves. She sometimes offered food and clothes to others that seemed to be struggling, she felt bad about what was being done to their lands.

"I see, well I hope they come back soon," Abigail replies as she passes Jack his dinner. The night sky was slowly coming over and Elizabeth did wonder if both men would return that same night. They might decide to camp out if it becomes too dark to see the road.


Elizabeth and Tilly were the only ones awake when Arthur and Charles finally got back, they both came in quickly with the damp, cold weather pouring down their clothes.

"There you two are," Elizabeth says as she rushes over and helps Arthur out his jacket. He still had a slight cough and was much paler than before, but he was feeling better in himself with the days of rest he'd had. "How did it go?"

Tilly helped Charles as he took his boots off and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders. His hair dripped down his back and shoulders. "Fine, they are safe again, for now. Pinkertons have been causing problems for them," Arthur explains. "Wait," he quiets them all, they hear a horse, two horses at that.

"Sadie," Elizabeth hisses, she grabs her pistols and tosses the rifle to Arthur. Sadie got up and stood at the other side of the door, ready to open fire if someone came through, the whole gang they had was already inside the shack.

"Arthur? John?" The familiar voice of Dutch called out as he opened the door. He walks through, looking like shit with different clothes and a grown out beard and hair. He was being tailed by Micah, somehow he looked just fine with his usual clothes on and even his hat. Also clean-shaven and hair back in its usual gross looking hairstyle, Elizabeth thought that was odd if they just got back from everywhere they've been.

The whole gang woke up, rushing over to greet them both, Dutch was shocked and smiled as he greeted them all. Abigail brought him a coffee whilst Sadie filled him in on everything. "We got Hosea's body back from the law, and gave him a proper burial."

"How are you, son?" Dutch asks as he looks at Arthur. Both men seem to glare at each other, before Arthur only nods, not saying any words. He scoffed at Micah. "Well, Elizabeth. Glad to see you are back."

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