Don't Piss Off A Bounty Hunter!

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Elizabeth hated the camp and most of the gang, she could only talk to a far few without it turning into an argument. But Arthur watched her like a hawk, she already had three arguments with him in just the two days she had been finally untied. Miss Grimshaw and Sadie were two women she actually liked, Sadie was a strong individual, they talked about hunting and guns together.

Miss Grimshaw didn't take any of Elizabeth's shit or attitude, it made her grow some respect for the woman. She was trying to get used to the typical chores for women, which she despised. Cooking, washing, cleaning and looking after the men, she hated every second of it.

It was early afternoon, the marshland just outside the camp was wet and humid, it rained nearly every day and was humid as hell. The dress Elizabeth had pissed her off so much, she grabbed a knife from Pearson's food shack and cut the three layers so it was just above her knee. Grimshaw was not happy but didn't force her change, it seemed she could see it made Elizabeth a bit happier and somewhat more willing to do the work.

Dutch had allowed Elizabeth to have her stuff back, except her guns. No one was allowed to use them for themselves, but she wasn't trusted yet to be allowed to carry them. Her journal was filled with drawings of the marshlands, the camp and some of the gang members. She had drawn Arthur as he slouched against a tree, sleeping with his hat covering his eyes.

"Where are you going, boy?" Williamson shouted, distracting Elizabeth from her deep thoughts. He was talking to Lenny, the young lad was African American, it seemed some of the gang like to torment him.

"What is it to ya?" the young lad asked as he slowly turned to stare at the beer-bellied man. Elizabeth stopped her washing and walked over to a wagon, leaning against it to watch. She even saw Arthur standing close by, he looked between the two men arguing and her.

"Show some goddamn respect, boy," Bill shouted in the lad's face, shoving him slightly. Elizabeth felt her body nearly move forward to help the kid. He was naive, maybe twenty or twenty-one. She knew what it was like to be bullied by older people, always demanding respect from them.

"Bill, go annoy someone else," Lenny said as he tried to walk away. Bill grumbled as he threw his beer bottle and grabbed the back of Lenny's jacket, he spun the kid around to face him.

Elizabeth had seen enough, she stormed over and pushed her hands between Lenny and Bill, pushing both men away and getting her body between them. "Fuck off, Bill," she growled at him.

"Don't make me hurt you again, lil bitch," he roared and spat in her face. Lenny had backed off, not wanting to get involved. Arthur came closer, figuring out if he should break it up or not.

"Last time I recalled, I broke your nose and you barely touched me before Mr Morgan tackled you like a scrawny kid. I won't say it again. Fuck. Off." Bill had his hand on the handle of the gun, but Elizabeth was quicker, she grabbed the barrel of the gun, snatching it from his hand and throwing it over her shoulder.

Bill stood dumbfounded, Elizabeth was about to throw her closed fist into his face, but a hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her back. Arthur finally stepped in, he picked Elizabeth up like a feather and spun her around to face Lenny. "Leave, Bill," he said with his low, rubbing southern accent.

Arthur started to push Elizabeth and Lenny away, getting some distance from the drunken buffoon. "Better do as your husband says, little girl," Bill shouted with a grumbling laugh.

"That's it," Elizabeth near screamed as she shoved Arthur out of the way, running before he could grab her. She launched herself at Bill, causing the huge man to fall to the ground with a thud, his hat flying off into the distance. Elizabeth stood up and kicked him twice in the stomach, he doubled over into a ball, holding his stomach.

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