A Well Deserved Ending.

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"Come on, Elizabeth. Push!" Abigail shouts from between her legs. The house was in a full-blown panic. Arthur sat by her side, letting Elizabeth squeeze the blood circulation from his hands. Sadie stood on hands with towels and warm water, almost gagging at the sight before her. She thought seeing dead bodies would give her a strong stomach towards childbirth but was she wrong.

"This fucking hurts," Elizabeth groans as she pushes through the next contraction. She'd been in labour for over two hours before she felt the need to push. Abigail had been a lifesaver in helping her.

Uncle, Charles and John all waited outside with Jack, none of them being allowed anywhere near the room, but the screams scared them enough to stay back. The room was boiling for Elizabeth, her clothes cut free and her body laid rigid with sweat dripping off her.

"You can do this, Liz," Arthur says with encouragement. Elizabeth snaps her head towards him, almost glaring at him.

"That's easy for you to say. I'm never having sex with you ever again!" she screams as another contraction punches her lower stomach. Arthur can only smile at her empty threats, he knew she was in a lot of pain and would say anything to make it easier for herself. He only pats her shoulder and lets her nails dig into his hand.

"I can see the head, keep going!" Abigail says with praise. Sadie comes closer, laying a towel down for the pull of blood and water to flow out as the head finally pops out. Elizabeth feels the burn, she wants it to end. Childbirth was something she hated the first time but thinking she could handle it a second time was something she lied to herself about.

Abigail grabs the baby gently and starts to twist and pull, offering what help she could as Elizabeth screamed in agony. "That's it!" Sadie yells. Elizabeth feels the gush of the baby's body finally come out, she leans back into the bed, almost fainting from exhaustion.

The minutes go by before she looks up, worried. Why wasn't it crying? "Abigail?" she asks in worry. Sadie and she have their back turned from them both. Arthur gets up to help.

"Come on, little guy. Breathe!" Abigail says as she pats the baby's back and clears his mouth. So it was a boy! Elizabeth smiled, but the cries were yet to come.

"OW. Arthur!" she screams as another sharp pain catches her by surprise. Arthur can only nearly yelp in shock as his eyes instantly look down at the second head nearly coming out from Elizabeth. She was having twins!

"Abigail!" he shouts. Abigail passes the baby to Arthur as she kneels back down and repeats the same method as before. Elizabeth clenches her jaw as the baby is pulled out. This time the room filled with screams, seconds after the first baby follows suit. "Jesus!" Abigail says astonished as the room is filled with both babies crying and shivering from the new bitter cold.

"Twins!" Sadie praises as she patted Arthur's shoulder. He can only smile as he carefully makes his way to Elizabeth's side, placing the baby on her chest.

"You did it, girl," he whispers as he kisses her forehead. Abigail placed the other baby in Elizabeth's other arm, they had a healthy baby boy and girl.

"We will be back soon," she calmly says as they give the family some time alone. Elizabeth yawns, she was shattered. The babies both opened their eyes, looking at their parents as they cooed and shivered in their small blankets.

"We make beautiful children," she whispers as her head leans into Arthur. He can only hum in agreement, rubbing his fingers carefully over his son's head before moving to his daughter.

"TWINS?" They hear John shouting from outside. It is followed by a yelp in pain, Abigail must have scolded him for shouting.

"Do twins run in your family?" Elizabeth asks as Arthur gets up to let her feed their son first, being the smaller of the two. He slowly walks the room and lets their daughter quickly fall asleep in his huge arms.

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