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"Good evening, Iselen." I avert my eyes from the starry sky to watch the beautiful brunette walking towards me, stepping firmly on the roof tiles like it's a garden path despite they're tilted in an uncomfortable angle, before flopping down next to me nimbly. "It's a wonderful night," she whispers taking a look around. The full moon is shining bright in the sky and allows us to see the treetops shaken by the wind as far as the eye can see.

"Good evening, Terra. Have you been running through the forest?" I ask swinging my legs over the edge od the roof. The house back terrace and swimming pool are three floors below me but I've never felt vertigo, luckily.

"How do you know that?" she asks in response leaning her hand on a stone gargoyle next to her.

"Because it rained this afternoon and you smell like wet dog."

"Damn vampires, you do have sensitive noses," the werewolf answers elbowing my side playfully and I can't help chuckling before getting more relaxed, enjoying the cool night, the peace and smell of pine trees... Till a loud noise to my right startles me.

"What the hell is going on there?" I ask confused but not particularly concerned about it while staring at the glow in the distance, a lightning cuts a tree branch cleanly but the fire is controlled immediately and I can hear some people screaming and cursing.

"Some witch hunters have followed Lea and Zara till reaching the perimeter of the property and they're trying to get rid of them erasing their memory or something like that, you know they don't like violence... At least, till they get angry and decide to kick their asses with the cruelest spells they know..."

"A Turkish witch and a French witch can be really dangerous when they get angry..." I mumble shrugging. "But what's that glow?"

"Those fairies that came for a couple of weeks visit, they're using their iridescent wings to light up the show so the necromancers can watch it from the garden, sitting in sun beds and eating popcorn..."

"Oh, come one, really? Those assholes aren't going to help Lea and Zara?"

"Necromancers aren't friends with witches, as you well know... And besides, the Spanish guy, I think his name's Alfonso... He dated Zara for a few months and things went wrong, they have a weird love-hate relationship seasoned with a pinch of sexual tension..."

"Werewolves aren't supposed to be friends with vampires either," I reply and Terra snorts amused.

"Don't worry, if things get ugly, they'll help the girls, I'm sure. They won't allow those hunters to set foot in the garden. What are you drinking?" she asks when I move a glass closer to my lips.

"Red wine and a splash of 0+... Do you want some?"


"Do you prefer a Milk Bone?"

"What a bitch!" I hear her whispering but her tone of voice shows a hint of amusement and not rage, we've known each other for long centuries and we've been joking nonstop half of that time, we were fighting the other half and almost killed each other on a couple of occasions but we're past it now. We're the proof that werewolves and vampires can live in harmony together... almost always. A loud bang under my ass startles me this time and I turn around to be able to take a look through the glass dome behind me: I can see the massive entrance hall of the house from this spot and the mosaic on the floor showing a colorful wind rose, someone is walking across the room from the main door to the big wooden staircase. I frown bewildered.

"Who's Maeve's friend?"

"Her name's Raven and she's a half-demon..."

"Since when Irish druids are best friends with demonic beings?" I ask shocked.

"Well, they're way more interesting than those grumpy leprechauns..." Terra rolls her eyes before heaving a sigh. "You know how Maeve is, the druidic friend of all poor helpless supernatural people, and she's decided to protect that girl. Raven's human genes are stronger than the demonic ones so other boys and girls made fun of her all the time, you know, because she wasn't fast or strong enough, her wings are too small and she can't fly long distances so she was bullied and siblings and cousins ignored her... Maeve is determined to help her with some herbal teas and plenty of exercise, she intends to turn her into a powerful demon so Raven can take revenge on her bullies... And in addition to that, I think she likes her a lot..."

"Of course, because the world needs another powerful half-demon wreaking havoc... Fuck! I can't believe this... I live in a madhouse..." I whisper quietly, lost in my thought, before taking a sip of wine while Terra laughs amused next to me.

"You built this madhouse with your own hands..."

"You helped me," I cut her off and she nods.

"And I don't regret it: we're the only refuge for supernatural creatures in trouble..."

"The only refuge for dysfunctional supernatural creatures, you mean. This is a loony bin most of the time: witches setting the kitchen on fire because they forget their cauldrons on the stove, fairies flying everywhere and that dust that looks like glitter dripping all over, there's werewolf fur on every couch, necromancers open doors to different dimensions and forget to close them, ghosts cross walls and catch me walking out of the shower naked, I never know if the black cats or crows that visit us from time to time are real animals or shapeshifters... I'm going nuts..."

"And vampires gather in the library to drink wine spiced up with blood and debate about medieval scholastic philosophy pretending that they're smarter and more educated than other people here when they actually are unbearably pompous and pretentious guys," Terra replies smirking mischievously and I stare at her with squinty eyes. "But immortal life would be boring out of this house, don't you think?"

"Yes, I guess you're right, at least we can be ourselves here..." I mumble watching a new lightning illuminating the sky above the treetops.

"Alfonso, you asshole, aren't you going to help me?" I hear Zara yelling in the distance.

"A madhouse..." I growl shaking my head and Terra puts her arm over my shoulders sympathetically, looking at the stars... although they don't shine as bright as her stunning blue eyes.

"Everything will be all right, my friend, all those protective spells around the perimeter will last for about 500 years more so you have plenty of time ahead to try to shove some good sense in the heads of the people living in The Wind Rose."

"I wouldn't be able to achieve that miracle in a thousands of years." 

A/N: you can hate me if you want... I hate myself. I shouldn't be starting new books, I promise this will be the last one and will focus on writing more... I'm sorry, I'm a mess of an author. 

Follow my account, please, vote, comment and all that. The more you interact with me, the more attention Wattpad will pay to my stories. And also, I love when I get notifications and talk to you all. Don't forget to forgive the mistakes of this Spanish speaker who's getting better at writing in English but she's not perfect yet (and will never be but I can try)

Be gay, do crime, be proud, be good allies, stay safe but above all be happy. I love you! 

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