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"Be careful, let me help you..." Terra gets closer to Ruby and holds her arm to cross the small stream, stones are slippery due to the moss and the human was about to take a bath in ice cold water because she's carrying one of Maeve's cakes. The druid managed to bake eight apple pies so those stupid gnomes will have what they wanted when they invited us. "This way, please..."

The werewolf leans her hand on the pretty woman's waist, in fact, she's almost as beautiful as a forest nymph and we lost three days trying to find out if one of them is her ancestor, but no... She's human, definitely. I'm afraid we'll need to find a new line of research if we want to know what the hell she's doing in the Wind Rose. Witches and necromancers talk in whispers behind me, laughing excitedly at the prospect of eating cakes, dancing and getting drunk like they don't have a single concern in their lives... I guess that's true. They don't have to take care of a massive house, paying bills, buying tons of food every month, keeping a big property off the human grid, watching ghosts and other supernatural creatures so they don't get out of control, making sure a druid and a demon don't hurt each other while training with knives... Dealing with a werewolf that used to be my enemy... and fighting depression every time I lean over the edge of the dark pit in my head.

Ruby laughs amused while Terra tells her something, pointing at the trees, and I can't help frowning with my eyes fixed on their backs, getting angry but I don't know why. I still don't understand why I confessed everything to Ruby so openly while we ate a sandwich in the kitchen, coming out to her in a way I never did before except maybe to the werewolf, probably even more... I don't think my furry friend is aware of the darkness lurking in my mind, waiting for me to put a foot wrong to swallow me. But Ruby Rose understands this intuitively... She told me she'd been inside that pit and I believe her because Maeve searched for information about the actress and model on the net, about her job and family, about the sad circumstances of her childhood... her life wasn't easy. I wonder is that has something to do with her presence here, surrounded by magic despite she's not one of us.

Anyway, this human is a weirdo and has odd ideas. She thinks I'm in love with Terra and don't dare to tell her. That's ridiculous... Well, it's true that I'm fond of her and value our friendship, we've lived through complicated times working hard to move forward the important project we both got involved in. We're friends and trust each other, which is weird taking into account that our races hate the other instinctively... And sex is great between us, passionate while we fight for dominance, none of us likes to give up, I'm afraid... Although it's been a while since the last time we...

It's a pity that the best days of the Wind Rose are coming to an end but I can't keep her here now that the war seems to be under control. I'll be sorry to see Terra go... I'll miss her while traveling around the world far away from this home we've created together: her jokes, laughs, her witty remarks, her blue eyes... But the wolf deserves to be happy with her people. And with Ruby... It's pretty obvious they get on well together, they felt a connection from the beginning, even before I scared the death out of her. Luckily, she doesn't seem to hate me so much now and doesn't flinch startled every time I get closer to her unexpectedly holding a glass of wine and blood.

I wonder how the human tastes like, her scent tells me she'll be sweet but not too much, exactly how I like it. What could be the best way to persuade her to let me try her neck? I could tell her it's necessary before continuing to investigate how she managed to walk through the perimeter, only a small sip to check if she's 100% human... "Or maybe she's interested in a threesome after all..." I think licking my lips involuntarily while fixing my eyes on the bird tattooed on her nape. Her eyes shone yesterday when I suggested it and her skin got beautifully flushed, it's obvious that Ruby likes the plush toy and I wouldn't mind pleasing two gorgeous goddesses in the same bed before stealing some sips of delicious blood from them.

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