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"Take that side of the wooden plank and help me to carry it to the stable, please," Maeve points at the ground and Ruby nods, bending down immediately. The blue jeans make her firm butt stand out and I tilt my head to one side enjoying the view while licking my lips, ignoring the chaos around me.

"Terra, we've finished covering the house windows with wooden planks. What we should do now? Terra... Terra!"

"What?" I ask blinking, coming back to reality and looking at Zara who's standing right next to me and looking back at me exasperated.

"Do you think this is the right moment to ogle your girlfriend?" the red-haired witch asks, frowning, and I shrug.

"She's a beautiful human, I can't help it..." I smirk mischievously before pointing at the garden. "More barricades... If those demons manage to cross the barrier, the magic creatures will lock themselves in the house and the centaurs in the stable as a last resort but maybe some of them won't reach those refuges in time, we need to build barricades so they can hide behind them."

"What about the cabin near the pool? We use it as a changing room sometimes... We can cover the door with wooden planks and turn it into another refuge... although the walls are weak."

"It doesn't matter, the main goal is to stop the demons for a few minutes, enough time for magical creatures to cast a spell and vanish. Ask those werewolves for help since vampires are still sleeping in the basement." Zara nods and rushes to obey my orders, dodging pixies and nymphs that are arguing next to the fountain.

The garden is still a chaos but I managed to organize some of our visitors creating work groups and they're doing something useful for a change. The noise of hammers and saws helps them to focus on the task and they almost can ignore the curses that keep hitting the protective barrier persistently and the cries and insults coming from demons on the other side. They can't see us but they know we're here, I guess they can smell the fear and anxiety, and yet all these people are determined to help us to protect the key and no one wants to leave despite we're all in danger. I can't help smiling, looking around, feeling proud of what I built here with Iselen in this small corner of a forest: not only a refuge for supernatural creatures in trouble but a home open to them all.

I won't let Marsh and his minions destroy it and will kick their evil butts if they try to hurt my girls.

I look at the sky, worried, grey clouds cover the sun and the rays demons are throwing against the barrier paint them in green and blue for a few seconds but it's obvious that it's getting dark finally and it means Iselen is waking up in our bedroom. We arrived very late yesterday, or rather, very early in the morning today, and the vampire almost fell asleep standing while Ruby helped her to get undressed. She's more experienced than me when it comes to lead an army but I decided that it was better for her to rest, we need her in good shape to protect the Wind Rose.

Georgina waves at me floating over the glass dome, the ghosts are watching our enemies from the roof but it seems to me there's no news yet, besides, my father and his wolves are out there, watching them discreetly too, and they'll call me if they get reinforcements from Los Angeles. Ruby walks across the garden with Raven and followed by Ru, the dog hasn't left her mistress' side since we had breakfast, the demon girl talks excitedly while showing the human something she carries in her hand although Ruby's looking at her raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"What's that?" I ask with curiosity.

"Tsuina," the half demon answers, smiling. "It's an old Japanese ritual to cast out demons that bring problems and natural disasters."

"Really? How do they do that?"

"They throw toasted soya beans at their faces." I lock eyes with Ruby quietly while Raven rolls her eyes. "I know, it sounds ridiculous but my father has sworn that it works... I know, my family can't be trusted usually," the brunette girl raises her hand to cut me off even before I can open my mouth. "That's why I checked the information in some books of the library here; apparently, it really works. Maeve will help me to toast more soy beans and we'll give some to everybody."

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