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"Please, don't scream..." I beg quietly but it's futile.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Terra and I cover our ears with our hands grimacing: vampires and werewolves have acute sense of hearing and smell and loud noises and strong perfumes can be very annoying, this is why we don't like to live in big cities, usually.

"They always scream, damn it..." I growl angrily while the dogs join the racket barking, Ruby gets up abruptly and her chair falls on the floor with a loud bang along with a glass that shatters. More noise...

"But how could she stop screaming, poor thing?" Alfonso points behind him with his thumb. "Look at that... Anyone would scream." The necromancer shrugs while I realize that a handful of fairies have left the house and are fluttering around, small creatures with iridescent wings dropping glitter everywhere. Dogs keep barking excited and the human turns around to escape but Terra blocks her way immediately.

"Please, let us explain..." Ruby surprises us with her agility jumping over the table, pushing Maeve towards the swimming pool before running away, she won't get very far anyways since vampires and werewolves are really fast and we can chase her in less than a minute. Raven spreads her wings and moves very fast too to be able to catch the druid before she falls in the water while I get up reluctantly ready to follow the human... Although she's stopped in the middle of the garden breathing heavily, staring at us terrified while we look back at her confused, two of her dogs are running around her feet and keep barking like maniacs... Why doesn't she run?

"Please, don't hurt her..." she begs and we all look at Terra who's still holding the small black dog that's writhing in her tattooed arms. "I don't know what's going on here, I don't want any trouble... I just want to go home with my dogs..." She sobs desperately but remains still in the middle of the garden.

"What the actual...?" I ask perplexed.

"I like this human..."

"Terra!" I complain angrily.

"What's wrong? She's willing to fight against a handful of supernatural creatures in the middle of a forest miles away from civilization to save her dog from my clutches... I think she's adorable." I raise my hands in surrender and shake my head, resigned. "Listen, I'm not going to hurt your chihuahua and we won't hurt you either, okay?" Ruby's looking at us scared and moves a step back when the werewolf tries to get closer. "We only want to know how did you get in the property... you weren't supposed to be here... Iselen, can you do something useful for a change? I think she's so terrified she's not listening to me at all... Help me..."

"All right..." I whisper wearily. "Ruby, look at me..." I wave my hand to grab her attention and the human obeys, her skin is pale and her brow is beaded with sweat. Perfect... I point at Raven smiling creepily. "Demon... werewolf..." I point at Terra and at my chest, finally. "Vampire..." I'm standing in front of her a second later, very close, I've moved too fast for her mind to process it but it's pretty obvious that her brain is noticing that my brown eyes have turned to red and my fangs are getting longer while I smirk mischievously. The human lets out a soft cry and she passes out but never hits the ground, fortunately, because I catch her with my arms first.

"What have you done?" Maeve asks dismayed.

"I'm helping," I answer carrying Ruby towards the house followed by her dogs that keep barking. "Can you calm these mutts down while the witches prepare a room for the human? One on the second floor, big and with ensuite bathroom, and Alfonso... I need you to cast a spell to lock the windows and door and later go to her wood cabin to bring her luggage here... I bet she'll try to escape the moment she wakes up... Maeve, we should give her food and also water for the dogs and... They should, you know, do their business in the garden before we lock them up with their mistress..." Terra nods bending down to pet the animals but shakes her head exasperatedly at the same time.

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