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"Well, Ru... can we sill call you Ru?" The vampire asks kindly and the angel nods, smiling while I keep staring at her in disbelief. I can't believe this gorgeous creature with white wings is my dog, the same pet that sleeps in my bed, that follows me everywhere, that begs me to give her a piece of my breakfast toast... that has seen me walking out of the shower naked. "Sit down, please. Do you want a drink? A slice of chocolate cake? Shrimp tartlets?" My puppy obeys but she flops down on a pillow on the floor next to Charlie and Chance instead of sitting down on the couch like any normal person would do. I guess she's used to this...

"No, thank you, angels don't eat or drink."

"That's a boring life," Iselen answers quietly. "But you don't have to worry about the sin of gluttony. And what do you feed on?"

"Good vibes and laughs, I guess. Demons don't eat food either, the real ones that live in hell, I mean, I'm not talking about them." Ru points at Raven and her sister that are standing near the table, feeling obviously awkward because they've realized they're the center of attention suddenly while holding a drink and a canape in their hands. Lilith looks at the angel with suspicion but Ru bows her head kindly to greet her. "They feed on negative energy and lost souls."

"A disgusting diet, no doubt," Terra sits down next to me and sighs. "Okay, so according to your bosses the door must be in Los Angeles. Does anyone live there and has noticed anything weird?" The magical creatures present in the room look at each other quietly, shaking their heads and shrugging. "I know, most of us don't get closer to big human cities and that makes things a bit difficult now."

"There's one of our people living there, I think," Lilith grimaces and moves a step back, flinching when we all turn our heads to look at her. I guess she regrets having speaking without thinking twice. Raven raises an eyebrow in disbelief but her sister nods firmly. "I swear I'm saying the truth this time. I don't know why but our father gets phone calls from Los Angeles, I thought it was weird because we live in the north of the country and we have no business or relatives in California, as far as I know."

"Is our father involved in this? Has he gone crazy? Pure breed demons never keep their word and have fun betraying their partners, this is going to end badly..." The young demon asks concerned and her sister seems to think about it for a few seconds before shaking her head.

"I don't think so, whoever this is, they've only phoned dad twice or three times and the conversation wasn't that long. I just remember it because I thought it was weird. You know how our parents are: they despise humans, are obsessed with pure blood and how to get good marriages for their children and they tend to focus on the problems that involve our clan and village, ignoring the rest of the world. Getting a phone call from Los Angeles is something that's outside of their normal routine and it grabbed my attention, I don't know what they talked about but dad didn't look particularly happy later and told mom something about staying out of other people's problems."

"Yes, that sounds like him: for better or worse, we turn our backs to the world and let others fix their problems alone." Raven sighs wearily and Maeve looks at her with pity in her eyes before pouring a glass of juice for her. "All right, let's assume that one of our people, a hybrid, is the acolyte who's working as an intermediary between this side of the door and the hell where the pure breed big shot who wants to escape to wreak havoc lives. He must be a powerful half demon because..." Lilith nods and shakes her dark purple wings although she stops immediately when she realizes that Ru is staring at her with curiosity, smiling. "Exactly, he knows how to manipulate human minds so they don't notice the horns and wings, he doesn't need to live in a cold city to hide them under a thick coat."

"Is there any way we can find out the name of this half demon who lives in LA?" Iselen asks and Raven turns to look at Lilith.

"You could take a quick look at the documents dad keeps in his desk, let's try to find a phone bill with a list of numbers..."

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