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"I'm sorry," I whisper for the umpteenth time while focusing on driving through Los Angeles streets, luckily, it's not rush hour and there's not much traffic at this time in the evening. The sun is setting slowly but the vampire still needs to wear sunglasses and a hoodie to protect herself, maybe this is why she's in a bad mood... she didn't sleep much today.

"Mmmm..." both women growl quietly but they don't answer me actually and I roll my eyes hard, getting upset too.

"I apologized many times and admitted I made a mistake. You were right, it was a stupid thing to get closer to that half demon and the red-haired bitch that want to kill me in a magical ritual, I understand it... I was an idiot... What else do you want me to do? At least, I got some useful information..."

"Don't do it again," the vampire whispers from the back seat and her serious tone of voice sends a shiver down my spine. "I'm sure we can get information from other sources, don't dare to get closer to our enemy alone, stay right next to us, or I swear to God that I'll put a dog leash on you and will tie you up to my bedpost." I turn my head to stare at her with my mouth wide open, fortunately, we've stopped at a red light and can't crash, while Terra nods slowly.

"That's not a bad idea, we could build a panic room in the Wind Rose protected by powerful spells and lock her up with her dogs..."

"You wouldn't dare," I growl pointing at the wolf with my index and she raises an eyebrow, her eyes shine defiantly and I understand she's not joking. "Okay, I'm sorry, I won't do it again... I don't know what else to say for you to believe me!"

"If Marsh had hurt you, the party human guests would've freaked out watching a vampire and a werewolf turning into crazy mode," Iselen replies and I shake my head, stepping on the gas again.

"He wouldn't have attacked me in public, there were too many witnesses..."

"We don't know what the guy can do and I think we should all be careful in the meantime," Terra answers in a conciliatory tone and the three of us relax, feeling the atmosphere in the car a bit lighter. "I've called Maeve and she told me everything goes well at home and those stinky demons are still watching the perimeter, which means they haven't realized that we left. It's possible that Marsh still doesn't know we're here and we should take advantage of that."

"All right," Iselen nods and pushes her hoodie off her head when she notices that she sun is gone although the sky is still orange and pink. "Where are we?"

"In Silver Lake," I answer smiling. "It's the most bohemian neighborhood in Los Angeles. Very creative people live here like street artists and independent musicians, there're artisanal bakeries and coffee shops, vegan and Asian restaurants, stores selling clothes made of organic cotton dyed with natural dyes, and also vibrant nightclubs... Interesting people work in this district too although more and more celebs are building fancy and expensive houses here and the population living here since the 60s is being displaced."

"I see more trees and parks than in downtown LA," Iselen smiles looking through the window. "I like this. So, your friend Mirabelle lives here..."

"Yes, she's one of those people who came to this neighborhood way before it became popular," Terra answers checking the map on my phone to make sure we're going in the right direction. "But she was born in New Orleans and is a famous queen."

"I thought she was a witch," I frown, confused, while looking for a spot to park.

"Yes, she's a voodoo queen... Oh come on, don't look at me like that, it's not that bad." The werewolf chuckles, shaking her head. "Humans have a very strong prejudice against voodoo but you should know by now that not everything is as it looks like in the magical community. Mirabelle is not an evil witch, she's not busy cursing people to turn them into zombies or stabbing dolls with pins so her enemies get sick and die..."

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