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"Oh my God, how could we let this happen?" I mumble while tears keep running down my cheeks. "We've lost her..."

"This is my fault, I failed my mission," Ru answers with a sad tone of voice but I barely pay attention to her words, I'm too busy dealing with the desperation that seems about to suffocate me... I don't know what to do, I don't know what will happen now. How are we supposed to live without her? We have to go back to the Wind Rose, where every room would remind us to our girl, to tell Raven, Maeve and our friends that we've lost Ruby... and get on with our lives. We'll take care of her dogs even if they won't understand why their adored mistress won't come back.

"I can't do that, I can't live like that..." I whisper trying to take a deep breath because I feel I'm running out of air. I think I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown... My head is killing me and Iselen is making it worse, banging on the damned door nonstop while yelling her name, trying to open it unsuccessfully. "Enough! Stop doing that, you're getting on my nerves," I cry angrily, getting up. "We've lost her. Ruby's gone... Face it, stupid bloodsucker!"

"Don't you dare speak to me like that, Terra. I'm not giving up so easily and I'll open that fucking door even if I have to demolish this house and bring one of those human bulldozers to this basement," the vampire turns around and looks at me angrily, pointing at my nose with her index as a warning. I shake my head while feeling my rage vanishing when I see determination in her eyes and sadness floods my heart.

"Iselen, she's not here and won't come back..." I answer and tears run down my cheeks again when I move closer to her to hug her. "You're a stubborn bloodsucker but it'll be useless right now... Babe..." The vampire shoves me away abruptly, staring at me with a furrowed brow, her skin is pale and she looks confused and lost. "I'm so sorry, my love, but..."

"Oh God..." Iselen gestures nervously, moving her hand closer to her heart, like she's about to have a cardiac arrest even if I know that's impossible because she's not human. "Terra, oh my God..."

"Babe, calm down," I try to hug her again, worried. I think there's a chance that my girl is having a panic attack or something like that and I don't know what to do, I don't know how vampires react when they go completely mad driven by desperation, but I bet it's not pretty at all. Ru gets up, confused, and looks at us quietly. "Iselen, please, take a deep breath... You need to calm down."

"No... no..." the vampire waves her hand pointing at her chest. "You don't understand it... I can feel her... Ruby..." she explains while I stare at her totally confused. "I still can feel her inside..."

"What the hell are you talking about? You've lost your mind..." I try to get closer to hug her again but she puts her hands on my shoulders, squeezing hard while looking right into my eyes, deadly serious.

"I still can feel her blood, Terra. Do you know what that means? She's alive."

"That's not possible, nothing lives in hell," I reply angrily, trying to step back but bumping into Ru who's staring at the door with squinty eyes while grumbling quietly.

"Well, that's true... but not entirely true. It depends on what you consider to be hell, I mean, nothing lives in the ninth circle but there're many anterooms that are not really part of Satan's kingdom and some magical creatures that were alive managed to sneak into them and came back to talk about it. Only a few, that's true, they were very special supernatural beings and not humans like Ruby, but she's not just human... she's the key. Even Dante, the famous Italian poet, said that there was antechamber behind the hell gate and beyond it was river Acheron that's the real border of the Averno."

"Terra, I swear, I can feel her," Iselen nods firmly. "The echo of her blood inside me, real blood, sweet and delicious that still runs through her veins. I don't feel her soul, her spirit, ghost or whatever... I feel her blood mixed with mine... and with yours. You both live inside me and I could find you everywhere..."

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