𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 10: 108 𝑀𝒾𝒻𝒻𝓁𝒾𝓃 𝒮𝓉𝓇𝑒𝑒𝓉

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Who could this man be, and why is he dressed like that? Like a pirate, of all things? Maybe he works at a seafood restaurant or a museum nearby. It's possible that ship is a venue for children's performances, and he's an actor. But that doesn't explain why he thinks he knows me. What does he want me to remember? I never met him. There's nothing to remember.

I swear this town is the strangest place I've ever been. Everyone is so quirky and unbelievable. The first person I met in Storybrooke pointed a gun at me. A gun! For being an outsider. What if my parents are as wild? Wearing gowns and jewels, believing in magic and curses, thinking they're from a land of fairytales? Could this be a mental illness? That the whole town has? What if I have it, too? It could be hereditary. Is that why Henry thinks I belong here?

Questions, questions, questions. They're all I've gotten today. I have no leads—no facts. Just questions. Another question is where I'll be staying tonight.

After eating my free grilled cheese and fries in my car, I review Mary Margaret's text with her apartment's address. I should take her up on her offer. A bed would be safer than sleeping in my car. I rub my neck and put away my phone, still unsure what to do. I would've looked up Granny's Bed and Breakfast, but it's not like the money to crash there is in my wallet.

I walk to the corner of the intersection to get a better view of the town. The streetlights illuminate the sidewalks and parked cars and add a warm orange glow to the street below. Everything seems so quaint. Yet, it isn't, is it?

A monstrous scream pierces my ears.

I dash to my car, sink into my seat, lock the doors, and peek outside. I don't see it through my windshield or windows, but people run like animals to escape. They rush into shops or drive at high speed.

It's not safe to stay at night when that creature is loose. I need a durable shelter. I'll die if I sleep here tonight.

A thud hits the top of my car, shaking it like an earthquake.

Another shriek comes from this monster.

It's on my car.

I slide off the seat and hide under the dashboard.

The pressure on my car releases when the beast flaps away. The sound of its wings starts off strong, and then it fades.

When it's gone, I whip out my phone and text Mary Margaret that I'll be sleeping over.

* * *

This is strange. Staying at a complete stranger's house. I would never do this, but it's all I can do. That creature is wreaking havoc in Storybrooke, and my car isn't strong enough to protect me. They don't make cars resistant against "winged beasts." Why should they? They don't exist! I swear that monster had the capability of flying away with my vehicle in its clawed feet. Why couldn't Henry have warned me about it? Is there only one of these creatures, or are there dozens? The fact that there are any to begin with is a tremendous problem.

I drive to Mary Margaret's apartment building to see what I have in store and not have any surprises tonight. I don't know why I keep calling it her apartment. David and Emma live there, too.

I haven't seen Henry since the library. I could take this as an opportunity to leave, but why should I? Nothing's for me back... there. I'd rather stay here, as odd and scary as this town is, especially if there's any chance of finding my family.

Before I knock, I take note of voices coming from inside—two soft, one agitated. Now isn't a good time to inspect my living arrangements. Maybe I shouldn't stay here at all. Otherwise, I'd have to see Henry's family caring and nurturing him twenty-four/seven. If I couldn't watch that earlier, what makes me think I could watch it all day?

The Girl With Lost Memories - Parts 1 & 2 (An OUAT Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now