𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 11: 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝒶𝓇𝓀 𝒪𝓃𝑒

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I wait for the man at the docks.

He may be the missing link to finding my parents, but I don't understand how he'd know me or why he thinks I'd recognize him. I was a baby when I was abandoned. I couldn't have known anything.

Whether he's a killer, criminal, or rapist, I need to meet him. He never gave a time, though. Well, I'm here now. Part of me hopes he'll show up, and the other half dreads his arrival. He could attack me. Throw me into the water. No one is around. There won't be any witnesses. Yet, I stay put.

Twenty minutes pass.

It's cold out, but my palms are sweating. My heart beats fast in my chest.

Is this a sign? Is there enough time to save myself? What if he shows up while I'm leaving? Each second is one closer to my doom or my escape. But I still wait. I don't want to get caught walking away. I don't want to die, either.

Who knows what this guy wants to show me? He said it would help me remember him. Is it an item, an action, a place? Are they words?

My hands grip the guardrail, and I take a deep breath. I'll be fine. If he thinks he knows me, if he reacted in such an emotional way from seeing me, he won't lay a finger on me. Or should I say "hook?" Ah, sometimes I make myself smile. It helps to make myself grin or laugh because no one else is doing it. So, I might as well.

Another ten minutes go by.

He isn't coming. I guess it's for the best he didn't show. It sure saves me from emotional havoc.

A woman emerges from a shop when I return to town. I don't know what comes over me, but the best way to find out whether my parents are here is to ask the locals.

"Excuse me?" I ask the woman.

"Yes?" She's perplexed. She doesn't know who I am. What a relief!

"Do you know an Aurora or a Phillip?"

"No, sorry, I don't." She leans back, wanting me to leave her alone.

"Have you heard of them? I was told they're in town."

"Sorry." She walks away, thinking I'm insane... Probably.

I hurry across the street and ask a couple the same thing.

"I've heard of them when we were in our land," the woman says.

"What land?"

"The Enchanted Forest, silly." This again? Has everyone in Storybrooke been brainwashed? This is absurd. What adult would believe that there are fairytale worlds and magic in existence? Sure, aliens and other planets exist, but stories are stories. There are no worlds full of fairytale characters. That's ridiculous.

"No," I say. "Like what country are they from? I need a town name or something."

"They're from the Moors." The guy says to his wife, "Is that right?"

"Yes, I believe so. Though, it's called the Moor. The Moors are where Maleficent is from." They must be high on something.

"I want factual information, not what Henry told you."

"That is factual, darling. Aurora and Phillip rule the Moor."

"In an enchanted forest?" I ask, sardonic.

"The Enchanted Forest."

I sigh. "Do you know where they are now?"

She shakes her head. "No, we don't."

"Okay, well, thanks." For nothing.

I ask some other people. Most of them don't know who Aurora and Phillip are. Some people said they heard of them, and one or two said they met them... in the Enchanted Forest... at a ball.

The Girl With Lost Memories - Parts 1 & 2 (An OUAT Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now