𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 6: 𝐻𝑜𝓅𝑒'𝓈 𝑅𝑒𝓉𝓊𝓇𝓃

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As I drive, the excitement of finding my family and home overwhelms me. It's so much that my chest may burst.

A smile plasters on my face.

Home. I could be driving home right now. I could find my parents. But what if it's too good to be true? How could I know? Does it matter? I left. I'm free. I could do anything I want.

This is the best day of my life.

"So, tell me about Storybrooke," I say, playing it cool.

"It's quaint. Kind of quiet," Henry says, gazing out his window.

"I've always wanted to live in a small town like that. I always imagined my parents did."

"Yeah. Storybrooke's great." He continues watching the passing cars.

"Thanks for saving me, by the way," I say, glancing at him.

"Anyone would have done it."

"Thanks, kid, but you're wrong. I've saved so many people's—" he's a kid, "butts. But no one's ever saved mine." I slow the car to match the traffic. Slow but moving. But not slow enough for me to lose my patience.

"You've been spending time with the wrong people," Henry says, turning to me.

"I think so, too."

Henry is different. He's changing my life. He's bringing me to my parents. To my home. Well, it could be my home. I don't know yet. I have to find my parents first to know that part. But, so far, things are changing. It's different. And it's good.

"Thank you," I say.

"You're welcome."

"Not only did you save me from Curt going all Ross Geller crazy over a sandwich, but you saved me from that life. I'm about to meet my parents." I can't remember the last time I sounded so positive and optimistic. "I've been waiting for this all my life. Everything I've ever wanted is happening because of you."

"The moment I found out about you, I knew I had to bring you home. To your parents."

Tears fill my eyes. This is everything I've wanted for sixteen years. It's all happening, and it's happening fast. "These are happy tears," I say, then laugh.

"I expected this," he says, calm. "Go ahead and cry, Isabella." Isabella? No one calls me that. Why does he feel he has to use my formal name?


"Right, but it's short for Isabella, isn't it?"

"Yeah?" I wipe my eyes with one hand while keeping the wheel steady with the other.

"I can't wait for us to get into town."

"Oh, me neither."

Home. Now, I can't assume Storybrooke will be my home or that my parents are there. Henry thinks my parents are Disney characters, so, most likely, they're not in his town. This kid has some mental issues, but I need a break from the foster home. He's my ticket. If it wasn't for him, I'd still be wasting away. Whether my parents are in Storybrooke or not, I'll finally be free—temporarily, of course. Nothing lasts forever. Either way, I'm going to be happy.

I can breathe.

I can do the things Diane frowns upon. I won't have Agatha criticizing me, I won't have Max destroying my stuff, and I won't have Chrys calling me her sister. And if my parents are in Storybrooke, that'll be a bonus.

"It's gonna be so great," I say.

As I drive down the road, Henry flips through pages in his textbook—the one he used to knock Curt out. Also, my excitement shifts to exhaustion and anxiety.

What if I'm trying to find my parents with Henry and they're not there? What if he made a mistake? No. But what happens if my parents are in Henry's town? What would I say to them? What if they still don't want me?

Whoever my parents are, I'm going to try to find them. When I do, then I'll worry about what to say and whether they want me.

Oh, my God! What if the cops and system find me? What if Curt and Diane get to me first? Just because Storybrooke isn't on a map doesn't mean they can't find me. They can track me through my phone. What if they have me tagged? Chipped me in my sleep?

I mull over this for an hour, and it starts to rain, so I suggest we rest somewhere. But Henry says we have to get to Storybrooke right away—no time for breaks.

I'm dreading getting to town because of what I was thinking. What if I can't be happy on my vacation? What if my parents aren't there? Then, I have to go back to the foster home. I don't want to do that. I left, and I don't plan to go back.

I have to find them. They have to take me in and tell the system to release me.

Storybrooke will be my home.

This town will be my happy ending.

The Girl With Lost Memories - Parts 1 & 2 (An OUAT Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now