𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 34: 𝒟𝑒𝑒𝓅 𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉

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I can't stop thinking about earlier.

"All magic comes with a price."

If it was in Henry's book, what else in there could be true? Maybe Gold read it and quoted it. Then why do I feel I've heard it before? Too many questions flood my thoughts. I need a break—a moment to breathe, especially since I don't know how long I'll still be able to.

I step outside, slipping back into my dusted rose jacket and untucking my ponytail. Today is milder than yesterday, but there's a subtle Autumn breeze now and then. Making my way to Jim's Pizza, a quaint Italian restaurant on Main Street, a chill runs down my spine as I pass Gold's shop. I quicken my pace, my olive boots clonking on the sidewalk.

The inside of the corner building smells of brick-oven pizza. The wisps of smoke lend a cozy atmosphere to the place. People wait in front of the counter, though it's more accurate to say there are only two people in what barely qualifies as a line, and they might be together.

The tables are covered with red and white checkered tablecloths, giving off a traditional Italian vibe. The silver brick walls are adorned with black and white photos of the owner and his family, almost concealing the original brickwork.

From the door, I can see the kitchen. The brick oven's at the back, and a skilled chef uses a wooden pizza peel to retrieve a fresh-baked Italian circle of goodness.

Approaching the counter, I send a quick text to Emma, asking if she wants anything.

Just ate.

Her response deflates my spirits. It's not like I had specific expectations, but it still stings. I guess, for a moment, I thought I could reach out and take care of someone. Be a friend.

I miss looking out for Chrys and Max, even though I acted like I couldn't care less. Picking up lunch and dinner for them gave me a sense of purpose—someone to care for. I suppose...they were family. Chrys was my sister, and I made her feel terrible about accepting it because I couldn't.

Another text from Emma comes in.

You should get the Emerald Forest. Me and my family love it!

"What can I get you?" Jim asks when it's my turn to order.

I consider my options. I could order a slice to satiate my immediate hunger or an entire pizza to drown my despair. Slice or pie? Slice or pie?

Who knows how much longer I have to live?

"I'll have an Emerald Forest pizza pie."

"One Emerald Forest!" he calls out to the employees behind him, making me wince at the volume.

"What is that, anyway?"

"Why do you order something when you don't know what it is?" Jim says with a strong Italian accent.

"A...friend suggested it." It's weird calling Emma a friend. It's weird calling anyone a friend.

"It's a delicious pizza," he replies, almost ready to deliver a chef's kiss but refrains. "It has green peppers, green jalapeños, mozzarella, zucchini, eggplant, and spinach." I'm not a veggie person, but the tone he uses to describe it makes it sound like this pizza should be on everyone's bucket list.

After paying, I settle into one of the wooden booths, appreciative of the slight indentations in the seat that promise a bit of comfort. I call them "butt grooves."

I glance around the restaurant, noticing I'm the only one sitting at a table. Granny's must have captured Jim's business. Either that or Jim's hasn't promoted itself well. Then again, I haven't tasted the food yet, so...

The Girl With Lost Memories - Parts 1 & 2 (An OUAT Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now