𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 37: 𝒢𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝑀𝑜𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎𝒷𝓇𝑜𝑜𝓀𝑒

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I dreamed about the boy in green again. We traveled through the jungle together, his hand in mine. I can still hear our laughter from when we flew across the starry sky with the wind in my hair. I can still feel his kiss.

But I can't recall his face.

It's all so blurred, yet I'm confident that if I saw him in person, I'd recognize him in an instant. It sounds foolish to be attracted to a man from my dreams. After all, he doesn't exist, among many other things.

I join Emma at the dining table to savor the freshly brewed coffee she made. As we sit together, enjoying our caffeine boost, I reflect on what Mary Margaret said. Countless bad moments have filled my life, and I deserve some pleasant ones, too. This simple act of having coffee with Emma is a good moment. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is for me. It's the little things that count and bring happiness, as Doctor Hopper said. I'm understanding that now. I will live as many good moments as possible, even though my life is cutting short.

"Got any plans for today?" I ask.

Emma smiles, setting her mug on the table. "David and I are going to interview more people about these flying monsters."

"I'm sure it's just some undiscovered creature. Nothing magical."

Emma shakes her head. "I don't think so, kid."

"I know you told me to try believing all this but come on. Flying monkeys? This isn't Oz."

"No, it's Storybrooke. I can't even begin to tell you how many strange things happen each day."

I sip my coffee, then ask, "Like what?"

"You really wanna know?" she challenges.

"Sure. It can't be any stranger than flying monkeys."

Emma sighs. "Over a year ago, something like the Grim Reaper had it out for Regina."

I freeze, my mug hovering inches from my lips.

"Yeah," she confirms.

Placing down my mug, I clear my throat. "That beats it."

If Storybrooke had a news channel, I can't imagine how absurd it'd be to watch reports about flying monkeys terrorizing the town or a Grim Reaper attacking the mayor. Does Storybrooke have a news channel?

"This just in. Flying monkeys and Grim Reapers wreak havoc. Now, on to the weather with Pinocchio." It'd be ridiculous.

"It's time for a Good Morning Storybrooke special report." Wait, what?

"Speaking of strange things," Emma says, turning up the volume with the remote. We shift our attention to the antenna TV in the living room, where a news segment unfolds on the screen.

"I was literally just thinking—"

"Good morning, Storybrooke! I'm Boyd Scaremonger, and I am coming to you live from our very own Granny's Diner. I apologize for interrupting our usual program, but this morning, we are talking with the locals about the recent flying monster sightings." The reporter walks backward up the steps to Granny's front entrance, saying, "Inside, we've got Mary Margaret Blanchard, David Nolan, Belle French, and Captain Hook to speak with us about this horrific phenomenon." After a brief pause, he whispers to the cameraman, "Is it still Mary Margaret Blanchard, or does she go by Mary Margaret Nolan now?"

"You're still on."

"Oh—Now, let's head inside and find out what's behind these sightings."

The camera follows the poor excuse of a reporter and stabilizes in front of Mary Margaret and David at the corner table next to the main entrance.

The Girl With Lost Memories - Parts 1 & 2 (An OUAT Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now