𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 4: 𝒜 𝒲𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝒪𝓃 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝑒𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒹 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇

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Neither Chrys nor I can move. Diane glares at us with fire in her eyes. For such a self-proclaimed religious woman, she sure has the Devil in her.

"You - got - sus-pen-ded?" she says, stepping into the room. Her eyes go to Chrys. "And - you - knew - about it?" She stops in front of us.

Chrys and I can't say a word.

"What were you suspended for, huh? Showing up drunk?"

"I've never drank. That was Agatha."

"Right." She turns to Chrys. "And what were you doing? About to go into my kitchen?"

Chrys shakes her head in fright. "N-No."

"You knew she got suspended, and you didn't say anything?"

"Because family doesn't turn on each other," I say.

Diane turns to me. It blurted out of my mouth without me thinking about it. I don't know where it came from. "What do you know about family? If you had one, you wouldn't be here."

Her statement hits me hard, but it shouldn't. I don't know much about family, but I do know it's not supposed to be like this. But the truth makes my heart sink. I don't have a family. I don't have anyone. I'm alone. I'm alone. I'm alone.

Diane silences. It feels like the calm before the hurricane. Before disaster strikes. I don't like it. It's frightening. Impending doom hangs in the air. I don't know what's coming, and I'm sure Chrys doesn't, either.

I hate this suspense. I hate it so much.

Hit me already. Slap me across the face again. I don't care. I can take it.

Diane looks at me and says, "I'll deal with you later." She lunges at Chrys. "Come here!" She sweeps her up and throws her onto the couch.

"Hey. Stop," I yell, moving forward as Chrys screams.

"You stop right there," Diane shouts at me. "Go to your room, or you're next."

My breathing speeds up as she attacks Chrys, who kicks and shrieks. But I stand here, doing nothing.


I run to the hall for cover and watch from the archway, trying to figure out how to stop this. I can't. I'm nothing.

"Stop! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Chrys cries out.

"Shut up," Diane says and continues to beat her.

My legs wobble.

I'm gonna fall over.

I cling to the arch.

My head feels like it's about to roll off my shoulders.

I can't look at this.

I rush to my room and close the door behind me. I lean back on it for support, but my breathing's anxious.

I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care.

But I do.

Chrys needs my help. I have to save her, but I can't. The things Diane will do to me. I don't think I can bear it. Within these past eight months, I never realized how attached I'd gotten to Chrys. She's not my sister, nor will she ever be, but she's too young for this. I've grown fond of her so much. She's adorable and not 'cause of her age.

Tears fall down my face. It's the first time I've broken down and cried in weeks.

I'm weak. I'm hopeless. I'm worthless. I should be out there, protecting Chrys, not hiding, listening to her scream and beg for mercy.

The Girl With Lost Memories - Parts 1 & 2 (An OUAT Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now