𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 16: 𝒪𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝒰𝓅𝑜𝓃 𝒜 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂

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He kisses me.

And then my eyes flutter open to the golden hue of my room. I wish the night had been longer. I want to be in my dream world's depths with him. We were in a jungle, having the most absolute fun—fun I never have in my waking life. He was gorgeous, with shimmering emerald eyes and light brown hair. Or was it dark blonde? I don't know. The dream was hazy, but the emotions were vivid.

That boy... I had a flutter in my chest. I have it now. We were flying across the twinkling navy sky. But whoever he is, he's not real.

It was a dream.

The man who appeared in my previous dreams was in it, too, but I still can't remember his face.

I stretch under the quilt and look toward the window covered with a gossamer curtain. Light shines through, making every plain, old object seem beautiful. They're given life. Hope.

The morning birds sing with joy. They must sense my lovey-dovey feelings.

It was a dream, and I need to let it go.

But it felt more than a dream. I've never wanted to return to one of the wild ones. They always made no sense. This one did. Even if magic was involved.

My lips pull into a smile as I sink deeper into the pillows. It was much better sleeping in a bed than in my car. The tightness in my neck and back already loosened. I want to stay here all day. Some peace and quiet have long been kept from me. It's nice to have it again. It's good to be somewhat alive again.

At the boardwalk, I try to figure out what to do next. To find my parents, I could knock on every door in Storybrooke, but that would take forever! I wish there was an easy way—one that's faster. There're "Lost Child" posters, so why can't I make "Lost Parents" posters?

That's dumb.

If only Mayor Mills could give me town records. They should have the address of my parents. Their contact information. Their photographs. Their photographs. How nice would it be to see my parents' faces? To know what they look like? To see their bright eyes and smiles? I want to know if I look like them. What I inherited. I want to know.


I turn to see who said my name, but there's no one.

"Oh, my gosh! Bella!"

I look the other way, and someone throws themselves at me, squeezing me to pieces.

What... is... happening?

There's a cluster of red hair in my face.

Oh, my God. My mother is hugging me. My mother is hugging me!

My heart beats a mile per minute. I hug back to keep myself from jumping and twirling like a child going to Disneyland. This is insane. Is this real? My eyes fill with water, but I stop myself from crying. I have no idea who this is.

The woman lets go and has a huge smile on her face. She has hazel eyes. Huh. I imagined my mother had green ones. They'd be a nice contrast to the red hair.

"You're so young."

I cock my head back.

"You look exactly the same," she says, looking me up and down.

"Um... What are you talking about? Who are you?"

"What do you mean? It's me."


"Don't be such a codfish," she chuckles. "It's me, Ariel. Don't you remember me?" We stare at each other in silence. Her eyes become pink, and she frowns. "How can you not remember me? We were close friends." Why does everyone want me to remember something? How does the news keep spreading? So far, everyone I've met knows who I am.

The Girl With Lost Memories - Parts 1 & 2 (An OUAT Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now