𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 42: 𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶

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Surges of emotions cascade over me—fear, confusion...and a hint of excitement?

Did Regina use magic in front of me? Was it magic?

No, it couldn't have been. No way. Magic isn't real.

But her shoe cleaned itself. Shoes don't have that ability. They don't produce colored smoke and steam themselves clean within seconds.

What is happening?

It's clear Storybrooke holds secrets beyond anything I could've imagined. What other surprises are in store for me? How much is left to uncover about this town and its people? What other horrors and marvels does it hold?

Even after nine days in Storybrooke, I still feel like an outsider—like I don't belong here and am not meant to know these secrets. Maybe one day, I can understand and accept this new reality. Maybe not. Maybe this is all a dream I'll soon wake up from...But I don't want to.

Despite my reluctance to believe again, the idea of magic and fairytales being real is thrilling yet terrifying. If all the rumors about Regina and her evil past are true, I just engaged in a verbal battle with the Evil Queen herself. It sounds psychotic, but it's also kind of cool. Because of what she did, I'm questioning everything.

Later in the day, when the sweat induced by my vision has evaporated, Ruby invites me and Delilah to go shopping. Despite the temptation to decline and avoid spending more money, I accept. My supply of clean clothes is dwindling, and I can't deny the appeal of treating myself to a shopping spree.

"Thanks for inviting us along, Ruby," I say. The three of us rummage through racks at the boutique Mary Margaret brought me to the other day.

"Of course. We deserve it," Ruby replies with a smile, her blood-red lips outlining her teeth.

As I sift through the clothing options, I worry about my depleting money supply. I've stayed in town much longer than expected, spending most of my money at Granny's, the café, and on shopping trips. Fortunately, I'm spared from expenses whenever Mary Margaret, David, or Emma cooks and when Granny puts my order on my tab, a practice I've learned she extends to almost everyone. Emma can't remember the last time she paid. Also, I've never had to pay for gas since everything's within walking distance. Oh—And I also got my car towed on my first full day here. That was fun.

Regardless, I should get more cash before I run dry. That would mean finding a job, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that commitment. Before, a job seemed like the perfect excuse to be away from the foster home, with the money as a bonus. Now I need a job for financial reasons, but I don't live here. I suppose I could find a temporary position, but doing so would get my hopes up. I'd start thinking I'm gonna live here and have a future in Storybrooke when that's not the case. At least for now. When I find my parents, it'll be a different story. Ugh. Life is so fucking messy. Why?

"Life's been pretty stressful, hasn't it?" I say.

"Every day's stressful if you ask me," Ruby says, examining a grey cable-knit sweater on a hanger. Between the three of us, we've gathered quite a few items. I'm holding a burgundy long-sleeved sweater with a V-neckline, ripped jeans, and a cream shawl with a grey and maroon criss-cross pattern. It's wrong to buy this stuff, but it's also wrong not to. It'd be a fashion crime not to get these pieces.

"Hey, we should try this stuff on," Delilah suggests. If I try on these clothes and see how cute I am in them, I'll get attached and compelled to buy them. I need to save my money, but then again, new friend's orders, so screw it.

In the fitting room, I drape the shawl around my shoulders, tassels hanging from the bottom. I look like a throw pillow, but a chic throw pillow that's making an effort to appear put together for once.

The Girl With Lost Memories - Parts 1 & 2 (An OUAT Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now