𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 2: 𝒮𝓊𝓇𝓋𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑔

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The sun sets, and the moon rises. I haven't left my room since this morning. I haven't eaten a thing. Pain clumps in my chest and throat like phlegm that can't be coughed up. I want to burst. I want to cry, but I'm stronger than that. This will end.

Two more years.

Curt and Diane returned from their shifts not too long ago. They don't know I'm still here in my pajamas, thinking about this morning. I don't believe Agatha, Max, or Chrys know I'm here or that I never left, either. They came home hours ago.

I turn my head on my pillow and fix my sight on the curtains. The shadows of arm-like branches dance with the midnight breeze. I've grown to love those shadows. They make me feel like my inner monsters are not alone. There're monsters outside, too. And right behind my door.

All I can think about is what I'm supposed to do tomorrow about my suspension. It wouldn't be the first. Last time, someone tried to stuff me in a locker, so I kicked him in the groin. Yet I'm the one who gets suspended? This time, I stuck up for a freshman and got accused as the fellow bully.

"Guilty by association," Mr. Ferguson said. Has he ever heard of "Innocent until proven guilty?" What's up his ass?

I close my eyes, and the tension leaves my body. But what am I to do tomorrow? Besides pretending I'm at school again? Mama wouldn't say anything... Would she? A lot of people turn on me. Mama could, too. But it doesn't matter where I go as long as Curt and Diane don't find me. They both work out of town, so I should be okay. I have been since Monday, and I was beyond lucky they didn't discover me in my room today. Tomorrow, if anyone asks whether I should be at school, I'll say I'm fresh out of college. I'll be fine. So far, no one has questioned me about not being in school, so how old do people think I am? I could pass for being in my twenties, but if people think I'm in my thirties, I've got a problem, and I should take up a better skincare routine.

I'm woken up from rocking back and forth.

"Bella, wake up." It's a good thing Chrys spoke. I was about to kick the shit out of her.

I rub my eyes and turn on the lamp. She stops shaking me.

"What do you want? It's the middle of the night."

"I can't sleep." The dim light illuminates her features. Thin, golden strokes for eyebrows. Big blue eyes. Small button nose. Plump lips. Pinchable baby cheeks.


"I'm too afraid." She tucks a strand of her wispy hair behind her ear.

I slump into my mattress with fatigue. "For the last time, there are no monsters in your closet."


"Monsters Inc. is just a movie."

"My teacher said it was going to be funny."

"People lie. Now, please, go back to your room." My hand reaches to turn off the lamp.

"Can I stay here with you?" her voice trembles.

How do I say "No" to this? Can I say "No" to this? I can't, can I?


Chrys climbs onto my bed and attempts to roll over me. Thin blonde hair falls over my face for a moment. Then, she lays next to me.

I throw the blanket off myself to get my laptop and DVD player.

"What are you doing?" Chrys asks, stuffing her short legs under the covers.

"If you can't sleep, I might as well culture you since Diane won't."

"What does 'culture' mean?"

With one hand, I scramble around in the dim, warm light to find my DVD player. My laptop is in my other, which keeps it steady under my arm. "It means I'm going to show you movies you should watch. At your age, those are Disney movies." I find the movie and DVD player, go to my bed, and turn off the lamp.

The Girl With Lost Memories - Parts 1 & 2 (An OUAT Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now