𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 63: 𝒟𝑒𝒸𝑒𝒾𝓉 & 𝒟𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓈

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Leaving the bathroom, I spot Mary Margaret still at the table, sipping her iced tea through a straw. If there's anyone in Storybrooke I can get information from, it's her. I trust her, but I can't reveal too much. Otherwise, she may blab what I tell her to the others. I have to play this cool.

I fold the letter, tuck it back into my pocket, and ease into my seat. Once settled, I order myself a coffee, and as Ruby pours some into my cup, I try to sound casual. "So, Mary Margaret, did I miss anything while I was gone?"

"At the loft, or when you were in the bathroom?"

"The bathroom."

"No. You didn't miss much at the loft, either. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious. Things always seem to happen in this town."

She lets out a long breath. "You can say that again."

I hesitate for a moment. How much should I reveal? What I'm about to ask is a huge risk, but it's my only chance to uncover the truth. "I need your help," I say.

Should I be honest?

"I've been receiving mysterious letters, and I believe the person responsible is after something in Regina's vault. They know me from the Fairytale World, so I think I can get through to them. Do you know where the vault is?"

Should I say that? It's too much. Too concerning. It's not subtle enough.

I should manipulate Mary Margaret into sharing the vault's location instead, but I don't think I can do that to her. Not when she's been so kind to me.

"With what?" she says.

I hate to do it, but I must. "Delilah's working on a school project where she has to make a horror film, and she wants me to help her with it."

"Oh, that's great."

"Yeah, it is. But here's the thing. She wants to film a witchy movie, so she needs someplace full of witchy things. Potions, spellbooks, cobwebs. I can't think of anywhere like that in Storybrooke."

"Can't you film it at her house? You could loan some of those props from Regina or Mr. Gold."

"We've talked about that, but it'd be more realistic to film it somewhere full of those spooky, witchy vibes. A place like—oh, I don't know—an underground cellar, a dungeon, a vault."

Mary Margaret straightens in her chair at the mention of a vault. Here we go. "Well, I'm sure Delilah knows about Regina's vault."

"Regina has a vault?"

Her expression hardens. I shouldn't have questioned it—that was a mistake. Mary Margaret's smart. She knows I'm trying to manipulate her into giving up the vault's location. "It's no secret. Almost everyone knows about Regina's vault. It's where she keeps all the magical items she brought over with the curse." That's it. That's what the letter sender must want. One of those magical items.

"Perfect. But I don't know where it is."

"First, you'd have to ask Regina for permission, but I'm sure she'll give it to you for academic purposes."

"And the vault's location?"

She pauses, then closes her eyes. Her head jerks as though she's realized something.

My heart sinks. I've pushed too far.

"I'm sorry," Mary Margaret says, opening her eyes, "but why do you care so much?"

I've lost her trust. Damn it. "I told you," my voice falters. "It's for Delilah's project."

"She already knows where it is. Surely, you can ask her."

"But I'm not with her right now. I'm with you. You gave me the idea of the vault, and I'd like to know where it is, please." My tone reminds me of the one I used on her during my first days in Storybrooke, and I hate it. But I can't give up now. Not when I'm so close to uncovering the truth about the letter sender.

"Is there something in there that you're looking for? Bella, you can tell me."

Regret gnaws at me for the stunt I tried to pull. Gah, I hated doing that. It's time to come clean and tell her the truth, whether or not she'll blab...She's gonna blab. "Alright, listen. Something's going on with me, and it's crucial that I get to Regina's vault. I can't share more than that, I'm sorry."

"Regina's vault is her private property," Mary Margaret says, her voice cold. "If you're planning on breaking in—"

"Please, Mary Margaret. Her vault's location isn't a secret. You said it yourself. So why are you keeping it a secret from me?"

"It's not that I don't trust you—I do, but—"

"You think I want to steal something, don't you?"

"Well, you have in the past."

"I don't want to steal anything. Only a complete idiot with a death wish would consider stealing from Regina. I just want to stop that idiot."

Mary Margaret leans forward, saying, "You think someone wants to steal from Regina?"

"I don't know. Maybe? Look. I know you care about me, and I know you want to help. I promise not to get into too much trouble—or any. Please."

Mary Margaret hesitates for a moment and then lets out a sigh. "Fine, but you have to promise me you'll use the information responsibly."

"I promise." My heart races with excitement as I listen. This is my chance to discover what the hell's going on and who the letter sender is, and I'm determined to take it.

As I leave the diner, a sense of wonder and magic is in the air. It's as though I'm living in a fairytale of my own. I'm about to bring an end to these mysterious letters and bust a villain. And, God, damn it, it's time for me to become the hero of my story.

The Girl With Lost Memories - Parts 1 & 2 (An OUAT Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now