𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 18: 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝒪𝒻 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓃𝑒

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I dreamt about two little girls instead of myself. They were happy, but I don't know who they were. I don't think I'm supposed to know. They're a figment of my imagination. I don't know. I'm not a psychiatrist.

My dreams must mean something. I had them as a kid, but they're back and more vivid. But I can only remember snippets or the emotions I felt when I wake up. I never thought much of them before, but then I dream about a woman named Anna? And Henry shows up the next morning, telling me I'm her—a queen from a kingdom called Arendelle? What a coincidence! Could Delilah be Elsa? No. Of course not. She's Blondilocks.

Oh, my God! I need to stop this nonsense. Anna could be a coincidence. That's it. Then what about Killian being the man with dark hair? I have no proof that it's him. Just because he said Neverland is all jungle doesn't make him the man from my dreams. Neverland isn't real. Neither is Captain Hook. Everything these people said isn't true. I still think they're in a fairytale cult Henry started. It's the only explanation.

I wake before the others and almost don't get out of bed from how comfortable it is. It's luxurious compared to the one at the foster home. The mattress is like a cloud, and my body sinks into it rather than lying on top. The pillows smell like flowers, or maybe it's cleanliness. Whatever it is, I'm for it. I can't believe I forgot what a real bed feels like.

I get dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a champagne pink T-shirt with a scoop neckline, and a black suede jacket. I put on my crochet infinity scarf, which is a bit more beige than my shirt. Next, I adjust my black fedora in the mirror before leaving my room, but I catch a glimpse of my duffel before I can.

The charm bracelet.

I kneel on the floor and take out the piece of jewelry. This bracelet doesn't have to symbolize pain anymore. It can symbolize healing because I think I am. I won't ever forget last night's dinner or how the family treated me with kindness. They believe in hope. Hope means things get better.

I lift the guitar charm with my finger while the other pendants dangle. The tears that form in my eyes don't hurt. Instead, they fill me with nostalgia.

It's about time I move on, so I slip the bracelet onto the wrist with my fading lightning bolt doodle. Then, I sit on a chipped birch chair at the off-white carpentered dining table and lace up my combat boots.

At Granny's, I run my fingers through my hair since I forgot to pack a brush in my getaway duffel. I want to leave before Henry and his family get here. They're friendly people—so far—and they made me feel part of their family last night, but I need time to think on my own and decide when I should give up and go "home."

Today, I want to figure out some things. The conversation between Belle and Mr. Gold made no sense. And what Killian said puzzles me further. Froze to death? Who I am in their world? Flying beasts? Those are the flying monkeys, but what are they for real? One of them almost killed me. People ran for their lives. And why would Mayor Mills be the one to stop them? Yeah, she's the Mayor, but shouldn't animal control cover it? And she's using "special ingredients?" What does that mean?

First things first, I need to talk with Belle. She wasn't at the library yesterday, so I'm hoping she'll be there today. As I'm walking, not only is a flying monkey screech in the distance, but I find Belle turning the corner across the street. I suppose I see myself in her. She's my inner me. The fashionable clothes, the styled hair, the polished nails, the heels, the makeup. It's me inside. I'm more feminine than I express.

I jog over—after looking both ways, of course.

"Oh. Good morning, Bella."

"Thanks. You, too. I wanted to apologize about... Well, ...You know."

The Girl With Lost Memories - Parts 1 & 2 (An OUAT Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now