Chapter 28

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SHAT! I can't wait to end this book. Made a new book with Michael Clifford...More description in the A/N.

Harry's P.O.V

"Fuck Nialler what the hell have you been eating" I say to him. Well more to myself sense he can't hear me.

I felt a kick in the face and I almost threw Niall down. Guess he could hear me, slut.

Reaching the end of the portal, Niall started to wake up. He looked around then looked at me.

"What's up?" he asks. I let out a chuckle as I put him down on our basement couch.

"Your literally about to die and your asking me what's up?"

"Yea, I don't want to die unhappy ya know"

I stare at Niall like he has shit on his face.

"You don't make since" I say rummaging threw the cupboards for the cup.

"So.... why am I not dead yet? Niall said trying to sit up on the couch but wincing from pain he lay back down.

"Whale this "chamber" has a special charm to keep you alive" I say pulling out the cup and putting it on the counter. Looking for the Lamb Blood, Niall started to speak.

"Why can't I just stay here the rest of my life instead of tuning into a hybrid" Niall said. I sigh, wishing it was that easy.

"It only protects you on the day your suppose to be changing. You'll die as soon as the clock clicks 12" I say pouring the blood In a cup and handing it to Niall.

He looks at me and takes a drink.

"Harry, I'm scared" he say quietly. I giggle a little and he glares at me.

"Niall, you don't have the right to be happy one second and them acted the next. Pick an emotion mate!" I yell at him laughing. Im such an ass.

He flips me off an takes another sip of his drink. He has a little blood on his upper lip and I move over to him.

"May I?" I asks, moving over towards him. Pulling my sleeve down and he giving me a curious look. Looking down into Niall's eyes I lower my sleeve onto his lip and wipe.

"You know you have some nice eyes Ni" I say glancing down at his lips and back to his eyes.

"I can say the same to you Harry" Niall say's sitting up. I glance down again at him licking his lips and start to lean in.

"Hey guys! Is Niall dead yet!" I hear Louis scream from the top of the stairs. I fling my self off of Niall and float back to my chair holding my index finger to my lips.

He nods and pulls out his phone.

"Ok! Im ready to give blood what about y'all?" Louis says reaching the bottom of the basement with the boys trailing behind him.

"I already have blood" Niall says, picking up his cup of Lamb blood and showing it to Louis. Louis rolls his eyes and uses his powers to slap the Lamb Blood out of Niall's hand, causing it to spill all over the ground.

"Hey! I was actual enjoying that!" Niall screams.

"You need our blood to fully change." I explain to Niall.

"Why did he knock the cup out of my hand then?!"

"Honestly I don't know" I say chuckling. Niall flips Louis off before turning towards me.

"Wait, if that wasn't your blood who's blood was it?"

"It was akdbh" I whisper.

"What?" he says

"It was lahdidnej" I whisper nonsense again.

"What the hell are you saying Harry!" Niall screams at me.

"IT WAS LAMB BLOOD!" I scream extra loud at him. He makes a gagging sound before spilling his blood on the concrete ground.

"Ew! nobody wants to see that Ni" Liam says turning away.

"My Virgin eyes!" Ashton screams.

"Shut the hell up Ashton we all know Luke pounds that ass every night" Michael says.

Ashton turns around and glares at Michael and Mikey snarls in defence and Ashton moves towards Luke's side.

"We should probable get this started, its 11:29 right now and he'll for at 12:00 so Niall stick out your fangs and suck" I say wading towards Niall.

He started to blush and I squinted my eyes at him.

"Do you even know how to?" He shakes his head quickly and I slap my for head.

"I'm so done with you Ni. I say before explaining to him how to.

A/N 2 more fucking chapters left. Anyway made a new book called Hey, Dad it's a Michael Clifford one. It Already had about 100 and something brows and I would like rant to be more so yay bye!

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now