Chapter 22

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Hey! Sorry I didn't update like I told you I would. My Internet got shut off right when I was about to update and I got really pissed.

Michaels P.O.V.

Fighting those damn werewolves was hard enough. But finding out your boyfriend just died is just painful.

I walk over to his lifeless body and hold him in my arms crying.

"Calum baby I'm sorry. This life was never made for you" I say whispering into his ear. Niall walks over and try's to pull me away from him and my aggressive werewolf side comes out and I snap at his hand.

"Leave me the fuck alone" I say through gritted teeth.

"Michael, we have to get going" Niall says.

"No! I'm not leaving him behind here to rot!" I scream at him. Zayn rolls his eyes at me and speaks.

"If it would make you feel better i can send him back to the house and wen we get back there we can have a funeral for him" I smile at him and let go of Calum.

"Is his body going to be rotten when we get back" I ask

"No ill keep it clean" He says. I kiss Calum's now cold lips and stand back from his body. I look at Zayn who is concentrating on Calum's body. I look back at Calum and his body has disappeared. I start to cry and Zayn, surprisingly, pulls me into a hug.

I hug him back and pull away when I hear something. We see a figure come from around the corner and I'm ready to attack. I look closely at the figure before I start to back away.

"Where's Calum?" Harry asks. He's covered in blood and he has hi hand sin his pockets.

"He's no longer with us" I say. Harry knew what I was talking about and we started walking again. I leaned into Harry's ear and whispered to him.

"Hey Harry?" I ask


"Where Do Broken Hearts Go?" I say seriously.(pun intended)

"Honestly Mike, I don't know. I've been wandering about that for years now" Harry says

Sorry for killing Calum!!! It just had to be done. Well I guess it didn't but oh well. I'm back in school and I'm ready to update. be sure to check out my other stories. Ok bye

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now