Chapter 8

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Just as Harry was starting people came in, bursting down the door.

"Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Calum Hood, ad Luke Hemmings. You all are convicted of showing yourself's to A human. The sentence may be death. Come with us"

a tall person in all black said. Harry came up off of me and walked over to the guy pleading for him not to do this. I only caught a few words of there conversation though.

"Dad, please"

"Son in sorry you broke the only vampire law" his dad said. He signaled for people to come in and take him and the mates. One guy unchained me and I rubbed my wrist.

Soon the same guy puts more cuffs on me. I groan and cuss myself out for being friends with Vampires. I didn't even know they were vampires until last night. Was it last night or a week ago. I honestly could not tell.

"It was last night" Louis answered.

"Stop that!" I yell at him. All he does is smirk. Soon the vampires opens some kind of purple portal ad we go threw it. When we reach the other end, we are in this courtroom full of Vampires from other centuries.

"Quite down" the judge ordered and the whole court room fell silent.

"The trial here today is One Direction members, Louis, Liam, Harry, and Zac"

"It's Zayn" Zayn corrected the judge.

"Sure whatever you say big guy" the judge says.

"And 5 Seconds Of Summer members Calum and Luke. You and the rest of you and your members are here today because you all committed a crime that may result to death"

"Uh not to burst your bubble judge but not all of did anything. Like Niall was a victim. And I don't even know why Ashton or Michael are here" Louis spoke up.

"Micheal and Ashton know what they did. Why don't you show us." The judge says. Out of no Michael grew a cat tail and ears and Ashton grew a wolf tail and wolf ears.

"Can my day get any more complicated" I say under my breath. Of course every Vampire looked at me and I rolled my eyes at them.

"What it's true. I don't even fucking know why I'm here" I say irritated.

"Niall H-h-hor-hor-hora"the judged stuttered

"T-t- TODAY JUGDE!" I scream at the judge getting agitated by the second.

"Niall Horan you are here because you had sex with a Hybrid and a full on Wolf"

"Stop right there. I didn't have sex with them alright. I gave them blowjobs but no ones Dick went up someone's arse so I shouldn't even be here" What the hell is wrong with me. I am literally in a whole entire room filled with vampires and I decide to talk back right now!?!?!?

'Your welcome' a voice says in my mind

'Who da FAQ are you?' I say back

'Harry. now don't hold back. just keep speaking your mind and everything will be fine'

'Hazza? what the hell'. I think.

"Niall Horan your sentence is....."

And the end of the chapter HAHAHA Lolz gotta luv fucking cliff hangers am I right? Niall was being a little bitchy wasn't he. Mmmm sexy Niall anyway bye

Don't stop reading here, don't you want to know what happens next? A lot of readers only read or only vote up to chapter 8? if I'm doing something wrong in the next chapter tell me please kk bye.

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now