Chapter 12

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Did you guys like the last Chapter? I'm thinking I should do that with every holiday, ya know. Comment and tell me what you think.

"Well I'm an idiot for think you guys actual sleep" I say. We all hear snoring and we turn to look at Calum.

"You have to admit he's adorable" I say.

"Not as adorable as you when your sleeping..." Liam says.

"You watched me sleep?" I ask.

"Yes and we did other things to you...... anyway did you all hear that scream? that scared the shit out of me" Michael said trying to change the subject.

"What 'other things' are you talking about?" I say trying to piece together everything that happened last night.

"Well... werapedyou but on the bright side..." Liam rushed the words together.

"Say. It. Slower. So. I. Can. Actual. Understand. You. This. Time." I say to him like he's a child.

"We kinda sorta maybe a little bit raped you last night" Harry said with a squeaky voice at the end.

"You did what?!" I screamed him. I was about to say something else when we say shimmering in the corner of the cell again. What a perfect time for Louis to show up.

But when we looked into the circle floating above some dead bones, We saw a big ass man with a long beard and grayish eyes. He was staring directly at Harry. When the man spoke, his voice came out hoarse, like e has been scream for ages.

"Harry, Louis needs your help" the man said. Harry was already crawling through the whole.

"HARRY?!?" Liam screamed at him pulling him back. Harry shrugged him off and he continued to crawl through.

"Hazza, the judge is gonna know your missing. Ad why the hell would you crawl through a whole with a person or whatever you are you barely know. He could be lying" Michael says.

"Come on. You don't remember Niall?" The man said. I tried to fish trough my thoughts for scary man but nothing came up. I shook my head no and the guy sided.

"I didn't want to ring this up but. Remember that time you ran out if Oreos and you kinda threw a fit over them, so you hooked onto my le-"

"Paul?" I say, walking towards him. "not to be rude but, what happened to you mate?" I ask. Paul rolled his eyes.

"I don't know why don't you ask Louis" we then herd a guy with a gentle but wry loud voice scream.


"He thinks he's 16 years old again. They brained washed him, as we need all of you to come help me get Louis out of the state he's in" Paul said rushing his words.

"What about our trial?" Calum said walking up to us. I looked at him and he smiled.

"Werewolf a sleep but they don't need it" he finished his sentence off with an eye wink.

"Fuck our trial. I don't know about you guys but I'm bout to go find my friend." Harry says, climbing through all the way.

"Fuck it" Liam say joining Harry on the other side. Harry's miles appreciative as the rest of our group joined him. The only people left was Ashton and me.

"I-I don't want to get into trouble" he says unsure.

"Well you can stay here and die..." Calum says. That makes Ashton crawl to the other side with the help of Ashton. I sigh and just as I was about to crawl through hands grabbed me as started to pull me backwards. Vampire guards.

"Let go!" I screamed.

"Your friends might get away but now you little leprechaun." That's all it take before I turn around a decapitate the guys head. It rolls to the ground as I snatch my arm away from the headless body.

"Have a fun time sniffing piss" I say before jumping through the portal.

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now