Chapter 25

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I fuçking love this song it reminded me of Calum in the story you know coz he's dead Panic At The Disco- This Is gospel the chapter is based on the song

Michaels P.O.V.

Fuck life.

There's no point in it. How the hell are we going to explain this to the press. How am I suppose to tell him mum

'Um yea your son was a werewolf this whole time and he died fighting his sister'

You just don't tell someone this. Think of the fans. The Calum Girls. I hope they don't hurt themselves over this. That would be the finale blow on my heart.

The worst part is I felt it. I felt his last breath. Not physically but mentally. I was the only one he opened up to. He told me all his secrets, things only I and not even his mother knew about him.

A tear slides down my cheek as I reach then end of the portal, with Niall's parents behind me. Liam insisted we bring them along to keep them "safer"as if that will help. What about Calum? Don't you care about him Liam.

"I can feel him trying to read my thought but I put up an imaginary brick wall. When a vampire wants to read your mind they make it's really obvious.

I don't want anyone to know what I'm thinking. They might take me counselling. Like they did Calum.

"What street is this?" Louis asked. That fucker. I don't care if he "lost his memory" or not. Im going to fuck him up when he regains it again. All of it.

"Yomama" Harry answered monotonously.

"Look like hydraulic and rock road. So the Alley way is that way" Zayn says pointing south.

"You buy potions from a guy in Kansas, in an alley way?" Niall asks trying not to laugh.

"Hey! There your parents! and these people make some good ass potions"

"Like the one you gave me" Liam says. Zayn shoots him daggers but puts on a warm smile.

"We said we would never talk about that again" Zayn says.

"Whoa whoa whoa, I want to know about his 'potion thing'. Please tell me more" Harry says floating in a chair potion with his elbows on his knees.

"No! Zayn would try kill me literally!" Liam screams. Zayn smiles cruelly.

"It's true I would try." Zayn chimes in.

"Too late already read your mind. You guys are into some pretty kinky stuff" Harry says sanding on the ground now.

Zayn and Liam was blushing as Niall laughed in the background. How could this bitches be so ugh! I don't know themselves. One of their friends just died because of me.

If I didn't do what I did which Niall, the judges wouldn't have sent those werewolves after us. We wouldn't be running from judges that's are thing to kill us and Calum would still be alive.

Its my fault Calum's dead. As Zayn starts to cuss out a laughing Harry I slip away and walk away from my friends.

Nialls P.O.V
After I get done laughing at what I just witnessed I let Zayn and Harry argue. I look at Michael to see him walking away. I follow him but lose him somehow but ind him again on a bridge.

I don't want to say anything to him so ill just read his mind. How do I do that again, I don't think they ever taught me how. I mean it couldn't be that hard to dip into swines inner thought right?

I focus and I feel my heart quicken as I read Michaels thoughts.

Michaels P.O.V

They don't need me, they need Calum. I walk with my head until I come across a bridge. Cars are passing by when I sit on the edge of the bridge crying.

"I'm sorry Calum. I don't deserve this life. Im coming, just wait" I scoot closer and closer to the edge until finally I'm falling threw the air.

I start to think about what my life is going to be when I reach heaven. I see Calum's face greeting as I'm in all white. I start to complain about the dress code making him laugh.

He's wearing white skinny jeans along with a white t-shirt and a halo. The golden doors open for us as I step through them.

Thud. I open my eyes to see Niall. I feel tears on my cheeks along with his. He tightens his grip on me as we reach the ground. I wrap my arms around him and crying into his chest along with him crying.

I hope you don't think this is the end if Michael trying to kill himself. If he try hard enough... he might actual succeed...

If any of you guys was wondering...
Adriana Perry- Thinking Out Loud Ef Sheeran cover. I fucking love her.

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now