Chapter 6

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When I wake its Early in the morning and Calum has his arm around my waist. When I try to get out of bed, he pulls me back down. I laugh and turn my head to the right and see Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis staring at me.

"AHHHH!!" I scream. Harry is red with anger but he doesn't talk. I look at Liam who has his phone out and takes a picture.

"This is going on twitter" he says.

"What's going on?" The 3 other boys says walking into the room with only boxers on. How is Calum sleeping through this?

"Oh hey mates" Ashton says casually. Harry ran his hand down his face and exit the room.

"What crawled up his ass and died?" Michael said sitting on my bed while Luke as Ashton stood.

"This is serious guys" Zayn said with a look on his face. I sat up and Calum complained. Michael rolled his eyes.

"Here do you want me to-" he said gesturing to my spot.

"Well I'm naked..." I say. Michael blinks.

"But I'll move" I say getting out. I head over to my drawer and put some baggy basketball shorts on.

"Well are you going to tell us or nah" Ashton says. Luke just stands there silent and scared. What the fuck.

"Luke should know what we're going to say, He's been knowing since we became friends" Louis says. Luke looked up with a murderous look on his face.

"I'm leaving" he says letting go of Ashton's hand and leaving the room.

"What the hell was that about?" I ask.

"We have something to show you" Zayn says. He looks at Liam who shakes his head and Zayn has to coo him for him to agree. Harry then comes in with Luke and starts to yell at them.

"You guys know it forbidden to show yourself to humans. if you do, it will result into a horrible punishment!"

"I don't fucking care Hazza! He is our friend and he deserves to know!" Screams back Louis. Harry smirks and says.

"Do you know how?" Louis shakes his head and Harry huddles then together.

"Uh... mates, were still here" Michael says. They turn back to us and they all take inner breaths. Soon they start to smirk. They look up at me, and there eyes are red.

They hiss and I see them. There sharp white fangs, poking out the corner of there mouths. I jumped back on the bed and Calum instantly wakes up, growling. I look at him clearly and I see he's a werewolf. Or at least a half one. I look at Luke who has also changed.

"WTF!?!?!?"Ashton screams.

"Louis put them to sleep"

"Ok" Louis says in a soft voice making you want to bow down to very thing he says. The last thing I see before I fall into a sleep is Calum attack Louis.

Oh shit. PLOT TWIST!!!! Lol. please do not forget to Vote,Comment, and Follow. See you guys later today gotta go to school😋 I'm thinking Double updates everyday and triple updates on how many reads I get on each story. Okk bye

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now