Chapter 17

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Chapter 16-kinda is kinda a lie lol I'm still debating about it sooo yea... And I knew that you turn it on for Everyone but I don't regret falling for ya foooooooools gooold

Niall P.O.V

I never knew how fast I could run until I was running for my life. I dashed outside, sunlight blinding me, friends running behind me, I gasp for air, for I haven't worked out for quite some time now.

"Where the hell are we going?" I ask. Liam, jogging up beside me, smiled like this was natural for him, spoke.

"I've opened a portal just another 3 blocks." he answers and runs in front of me. I glanced behind me, which was a BIG mistake. I saw our enemy's gaining on us.

I was slowing(where never coming back down, yea were looking down at the clouds) down but just looking at The judge is just enough to get me going.

We ran 3 blocks and turned the corner, and there, was a big large portal. I still am not understanding how Vampires do that. Isent that for like Egyptians and stuff?

"Just jump through it!" Liam said plowing into the purple vortex, along with the other boys. I'm pretty sure portals and other stuff like that was for the Egyptians, and I feel I we mess with there stuff we might be in a whole lot of trouble than we are now, but I jumped through it.


I fell through the other side landing on top of Harry. He then got up, making me roll to the side. I stood up and looked at where we was.

I saw the grassy hills and the familiar castle that I once called mine. I then see a small womanly figure staring at me with wide eyes from far away. I dot know how I knew but I knew it was my mum. Another person came around the corner yelling her name.

"Maura! Where are you?" My dad called. Its hard to hear her name when I haven't seen her in so long.
(Insert song)

Before I knew it I was rushing down the hill with my friends yelling t me to slow down. Somehow I lost my footing started to roll down the hill. I started to laugh at my clumsy-ness.

Finally I reached the bottom of my mums fence and I jumped over it, almost tackling her in a hug. Her eyes swelled with tears. I pulled up and looked at the hill to see my friends rolling down it laughing as well.

I see I'm not the only clumsy one.

"Niall" My dad says, finally finding my mum. He's cheeks raise into a smile and he goes in for a hug. I smile back and hug him. My friends reach the fence and Ashton, and Calum stand up and hop the fence while my other friends just stood there.

Lol had to rush on them I got to go to bed at 11:00 so yea ur welcome ok thanks for the reads btw 13.4K damn alright bye

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now