Chapter 18

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I wish, that I was 18...
I have loved you since we were 18...

Zayn P.O.V

"Guys, come on!" Niall said. I really hope he's kidding. He should know why we can't go into his home.

"Guys stop fucking around lets. Go" he said again. Nobody said anything we just stayed quiet right up until Harry started to speak.

"We can't" he said. it took Niall awhile before it hit him.

"Wait how come Michael can't come in?" he asked.

We looked at Michael and remembered what happened last time.

"Oh yea I can hop this fence easily. I don't know I didn't do it earlier" Michael is just so stupid sometimes. he hopped the fence with ease and as soon as his feet the ground he started to burn. Instantly he started to scream and hopped back over the fence.

"Oh yea... that's why"

"Erm Niall... What's going on?" Niall's mum said hiding behind her husband.

"Louis" Harry said. Louis didn't do anything.

"Fuck" Harry said.

"Niall invite us in I had to wipe away your mum and dads memory" He finishes.

"All of it?!" He exclaims. Harry rolled his eyes tired of the questions.

"No, just what they just saw" Harry says annoyed.

"Niall, don't let them in" His mum said.

"I give you guys permission to come near me" Niall said.

"Your going I have to be a little bit more descriptive. Who are you inviting in?" Liam said.

"Louis, Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Michael, you can come soon my land" Niall said laughing. I rolled my era and crossed the invisible barrier. Once I did Harry's eyes glowed and he started to chant a spell.

Soon Niall's mum and dad had Blank faces.

"What did you to to them" Louis said scared. Harry looked pissed and scared.

"Fuck! Sorry mate but i erased their memory... all of it"

"You said you wouldn't!" Niall yelled.

"Yea well somehow I mixed up-"

"You didn't mix up shit! What do they remember"

"Nothing! I fucking told you nothing. they don't remember who they are what's their names who's there parents absolutely nothing. Their like grown ass baby's" Harry yelled at Niall.

Harry started to pace back and forth while I just walked pass the two drones and walked toward their home.

"Zayn, mate, where are you going?" Liam yelled to me.

"Three... two... one..." I say just as a portal opened up right behind the fence. I don't know how and honestly I don't care how they got in but they started to jump over the fences.

"Werewolves!" Calum shouted and started to run toward the house. Lucky for me I was already inside.

"Zayn you bastard! you have some explaining to do" Harry said locking the door behind the new group.

Lol he said he said he wasn't going wipe their memory...
He lied
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The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now