Chapter 15

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Hey-ro I'm on my mums phone type type. sorry onto the story

Harry's P.O.V

Of course this bitch would show up.

"Why the fuck are you even in here you creep?" I say pulling my Jeans up from around my legs.

"No reason. It's just that... I herd noises and I've found the source of them" She says in a low voice. She bites her finger and looks down at Louis. I roll my eyes and help my friend up off the ground.

"As if, Bitch leave" If The sass master ident available, you get The Sass Masters assistance...

Slightly Less Sass Boy!

Taylor stamps her foot an starts to pout

"look, Harry your mine and no one elses! Now get your ass over here and make love to me instead of that freakishly weird boy!" She screams. i look down at Louis, and see a tear creep down his cheek.

I felt my face getting red and I balled up my fist. I stormed over to her and she didn't even flinch

"Look here bitch, you might be all that and shit but Louis is NOT a freak, you are. Especially when you get your bony ass up on stage just to screech into a microphone about how I was "trouble". And you wonder why you haven't gotten a guy since then." She smirked and slapped me. It took every single bone in my body not to slap her back.

"You know what, your right, ill just be gay!" She screams into my face and walks away. I turn around and see Louis in a ball crying.

"Oh loubear come here"

Still grounded people I'm not even suppose to update but there you go

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now