Chapter 20

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I'm a fucking idiot. In the last chapter, I was switching between Liam and Niall's P.O.V. So if you got confused I updated it like made it make sense so...

Harry's P.O.V

There all fucking idiots, really they are. Ashton doesn't even know what's going on in that little mind of his. Dating a newly made vampire is dangerous. There feeling is all over the place and the can't control any of them.

*Flashback 192 years ago*

"Oh my god Harry" Carry moans into my ear as I spill into her. After I spill I continue to thrust into her, ignoring her screamed to stop. Soon I spill again and I look at her now lifeless form.

"Oh shit" I say pulling out of her.

"I-I I'm sorry babe" I say, crying. I rush to the bathroom to take a shower and rinse the blood off my dick. She told me it was okay. It was fine. She told me she could handle it.

I step out of the shower and dry off. I pick her body off as clean her up. After, I call her family and convince them se had a heart attack at the age of 19.

At her funeral I was the only one there, her family lived in america and couldn't afford to see her body go into the ground. I sat there, staring at what I destroyed. We had plans together. That was the night I was going to change her. The night she would become mine forever.

I go up to her casket and say a spell.

"You will forget me, how you died, and who's your family is and roam this earth until I die. When that day comes you will find me and find all of your memories. Until that time, I will not fall in love with anyone else as long as I'm alive" I make a cross over her body and see her soul lift up from her body, stare at me and vanish.

I use my powers to lower her casket into the ground and cover it up. I put a headstone over the ground.

*on the stone*

R.I.P Carry Sew River


I vowed to never love anyone else. But then Louis came along. He reminded me off Carry just in a boy version. I tried so hard to say away from him but I couldn't. His smile, his eyes, even his jokes, were just like hers.

Everyday it became harder and harder to stay away from him. Finally I couldn't handle it anymore. I turned him, so I could never kill him like I did Carry. ,

I herd a snarl and turned around to be face to face with a pack of werewolf's. All these emotion were to much to control, and I'm tired of holding them in. I then took them out in these pack of werewolf's.

I had to come up with a reason to why he was being a bitch to the couples. I did this all on a low battery, which is about I die so Vote and Comment.

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now