Chapter 16

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Did you guys here about Taylor and Michael flirting with each other on Twitter. like bitch, really?

Michaels P.O.V

"They've been gone for ages" Niall says looking bored. I was starting to worry about them. Not really.

Taylor just then came rushing out of the boys bathroom looking flustered. Crying, she then ran into me. I stumbled back a bit and took in her sight.

She had red lipstick on and high heeled stilettos. She was wearing a beautiful dress that matched her makeup.

"Erm... hullo" I say. my check was getting red hot just staring at her. Her cheeks were as red as tomatoes. She pushed past me and exited through a side door. The boys were looking at me like I had something on my face.

"What?" I say.

"Nothing. Do you have your dignity back?" Liam muttered.

"Shut up" I say just as Larry walk out if the restroom.

"You guys was in there for quite some time" I say. Harry looked up at me and I refrained myself for saying anything else.

"Is he okay now?" Zayn asked worried. Harry frowned.

"He's far from okay. The bitch that just walked up messed him up more than ever. He hasn't stop talking about carrots and other useless shit like that."

"We have other things to worry about" I say.

"Like what?" Ashton says.

"Like that" I say pointing to the door to see the judge, that had once assigned our trial, walking through the buildings front entrance with some people dressed in black and weapons.

They turned our direction and the judge shouted,

"Get em'!"

"Fuck!" I say

Lol sorry I didn't update any sooner. #writersblock but I watched alot of things pertaining to 5SOS so I feel like updating. and making a new story. it's gonna be a story but for YOU. like what you would do an all thy shit lol I hope you guys go and read it. soooo yea lol.

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now