Chapter 1

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5 Seconds Of Summer just got done filming their music video for Amnesia when they pulled me into their dressing room.

"Hey mates what's up?" I ask them.

"We have something very important to tell you" Luke says fiddling with his fingers.

I nod my head, motioning my hand for him to go on.

"Well I don't know how to put this, I mean its a really big deal, to you... Well... it might be, but for us-" Luke keeps rambling on and I could tell Ashton was getting a bit annoyed with it.

"Luke and I are a couple now." Ashton said cutting him of with a bright smile. I stood there shocked and right before I was going to congratulate them, Michael spoke up.

"I have something to say as well"

"Don't you mean we?" Calum

"Right. Well, um, Calum and I too are a couple" My eyes grew big at this information. This is to much to handle. If they're in a relationship with each other... where would that leave me?

"You ok Nialler?" Michael asked me. I put on a fake smile and congratulate the two new couples of coming out to me. Although, I did suspect something was going on between the ships in the first place.


When we get home I instantly go to my room, not wanting to hear or see the lovey dovey crap.

I change into my clothes, not bothering to take a shower, and jump into bed.

When I wake, it's 6:00am in the morning and I decide to head down the hall into the living room, where the boys are having a deep conversation. They stop when they hear my footsteps.

"Come on and sit down mate, we have something to tell you.... again" Ashton says seriously. I walk into the living room and sit down by Calum on the couch.

"What? One of you guys are pregnant? Is that what you wanted to tell me?" I joke and they stay silent.

My brows furry in confusion.

"That's literally impossible for one of-"

"We know Niall! Calm down." Ashton takes a deep breath before speaking to me again.

"We've noticed that you're single correct?"

"Yeah?" I answer a bit confused.

"And you're Bi-Sexual?" Luke adds

"Yes" I say, I can practically feel my cheeks getting red.

"Great. Well Niall how would you feel if-"

"You was our band slut" Luke cut Ashton off. Ashton glares at him which only made Luke laugh.

"Jackass" Ashton mumbled, which only made Luke laugh even harder. While they were having a great time with cutting each other off I was having a mental breakdown about being a band slut. Me? A slut? I'm not even in there band!

What are the lads going to think of me after I go back and tell them I've been fucking underage boys. And what about Harry! He's going to be pissed at me. He told me not to get myself into anything I dot't want to be in.

"Niall? Hellooooo" Calum say waving a hand I front of my face, cutting me short of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I say.

"I asked if your okay with this?" he said sincerely.

"Yeah I'm great actual" I say. What the fuck is wrong with me. I'm not okay!! Am I?

"Alright buddy" Calum says.

"So when does this start?" I asked scared of the outcome.

"Now. We can Fuck you, make out with you, Talk dirty to you from this point on" Ashton says. Michael then came up to my ear and whispers loud enough for the rest of the group to hear.

"And may the odds be ever in your favor" he says in that stupid Capitol voice from the Hunger Games. I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"How did you manage to copy her voice an everything" I say trying to calm down but every time I look at him I can't help but laugh again. The group is laughing with me while Michael is just sitting there getting red in the cheeks. Maybe being the band slut won't be so bad.

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now