Chapter 19

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If you had trouble picturing Niall's castle because I suck at describing things.... there ya go

Liam's P.O.V

As we pulled inside the home Harry's face was getting redder by q"the second.

'Zayn you have some explaining to do" Zayn rolled his eyes but Harry pushed Zayn up against the wall. Zayn being Zayn he smirked and started I speak.

"What do you 'explain'?" Harry I really going to fucking lose it if I don't step in.

"Look, Zayn, why don't you just tell us how'd you know they were coming" I say, taking Harry's hands away from Zayn's collar.

'It's a talent I developed okay?"

"That's all you fucking had to say" Harry said.

"Now that that's over, we really need to go" Niall said. Soon banging was herd at the door and that got us moving.

We headed up to Niall's kitchen to prepare for the wolfs because to be honest, we all knew that the old wooden door wasn't going to old them long.

Did I ever mention how stupid my friends are? Calum, picked up a silver fork and instantly it started to burn his hand. He gave us a goofy laughed and said,

"Forgot I was a wear wolf"

"It's okay babe" Michael says and leaned over to kiss Calum. Harry looked slightly annoyed and he glanced over at Louis who is trying to dodge his eyes.

"We're going to talk about what happened" Harry says. Louis flips him off and continues I gather silver wear.

How much silver wear do my parents own! Its not like anyone comes and visits them. Yes that was mean but I'm just being honest.

We then herd a crash as Ashton took cover behind Luke who tried to stand brave but behind his eyes you could see his fear. Niall then hided his parents in their bedroom closets before taking his place in the kitchen.

Finally, for what seemed like hours, we saw our first victim. His eyes glowed an amber brown as foam started to fall out of the corners of his mouth. His clothes were tattered like they had just been threw a shredder and his feet were bare. His hair was a wild mess and he was coming straight for us.

Ashton freaked out and threw a knife at the wolfs head. A howl was sounded as we looked at our now dead victims body on the ground. Ashton had hit him right in the chest.

Luke looked at his boyfriend and laughed.

"Don't ever give this guy a stake"

Ashton giggled but you could tell he was terrified.

"We need to find them before they find us" Harry said storming off. Really, what was his problem?

"So we split up into 2 groups?" I said.

"Yea, how about I take Louis, Ashton and Calum and Liam you take Zayn, Luke, and Michael" Niall says. Ashton then clung to Luke's side.

"Come on Ashton, it's safer if you come with me" Niall said.

"No the fuck it isn't. We don't know if you might freak out or something and forget whose side your on. I say Ashton stays with me along with Michael and Calum" Luke says.

"Yea, we don't know what your gonna do" Calum says, jumping in.

"No, being a vampire, a new vampire might I add, your emotions are out of control. You might turn on your loved one and end up eating his heart or something" Niall says starting to argue.

"Look guys how about this, I'll take Luke, Ashton and Louis so I can look after Luke and Louis and Ashton can be with Luke and you can take Zayn, Calum, and Michael so they can be together as well and Zayn can keep you in track, okay?" I say.

I don't give them time to answer, I just grabs my team and leave.

"Well we don't want to get slaughtered now do we, I suggest we start to move" I hear Michael say.

Okaly doky. So my Internet is down and I'm still on break. So... I have this gigabyte thingie and when that runs out I won't be able to post anything so ill be updating like crazy each day maybe every hour so stay tuned kk luv you all(4.16k?!?!?!? Thanks)

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I would say my twitter and shit but I feel like no one would follow me so.... BYE!!

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now