Chapter 23

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I'm important!!!

Louis P.O.V

Well this isent scary at all. I don't even know what's happening right now. And I'm pretty sure whoever were searching for can hear curly over here.

"Will you please shut up before we get caught" I say holding my spoons in my hand.

"I'm s-sorry I'm s-scared" Ashton says. I roll my eyes as Luke glares at me.

"What?" I say rudely.

"Stop fucking with my boyfriend" he says harshly. I roll my eyes once more before speaking.

"I'm sorry your boyfriend is a pussy." I wish Harry was here. I barely know him but still. It feels like I should know him.

'How ya guys doing?' Harry said in my mind. I freaked out and forgot he could do that.

'Stop doing that!' I say back to him.

'Sorry. I'm coming around the corner in about 30 seconds so if you don't mind don't kill me'

'I can't make any promises'

"Liam don't die" I say as Harry appears in front of us. Ashton freaks out and threw a fork his way. Harry ducked and frowned.

"I thought we were friends!" he said.
About 10 seconds later a blonde and 2 other guys came along

"Where's the Asian" I began before Michael cut me off

"He's not asian he's kiwi and he's dead" he says. I give him one of my famous bitch please looks before he told us what happened.

"That's deep... okay let's hurry up and get out of this hell whole" I say moving along forward. I felt cold feeling in the back of my neck but it soon subsided.

"Michael you can't kill him Harry will you kill you" I hear Liam say. I turn around and I see my friends holding him back.

"It doesn't matter. I dint want to live if he's Cals not here. I'm going to end up killing myself anyway" Michael says.

I don't know what happened but I herd a snap go off in my head and I felt louder, stronger and sweeter. I became aware of my surroundings and started towards Michael.

"Mike, you alright? I haven't seen you this angry since that little girl told you she hated you" I say walking towards him. He howls in my direction and I hiss in return to his howl.

"Fuck you then bitch" just as fast as it came it went away. I felt powerless and I don't care it's obvious that the feeling that was once there is now gone. j get scared and alone and no one understood me. I backed away from Michael and slid down a wall. Harry came down beside me covered in blood.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"No! I don't know what's happening. Where am I!?" I scream, putting my arms around my legs and curling them up to my body.

Tbh, this chapter sucked dick. Vote if you agree with me. Vote if you disagree with me. lol

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now