Chapter 24

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Ok so if you go on the site Wattpad and go into my profile it says I have 6,000 reads... But when you come on here(the app) it says I have 5,888 reads like the fuck? Well thank you anyway. UPDATE!!

Niall's P.O.V

After we finish killing or banishing the werewolves we all sit on my family's couch and fill each other in on what had recently happened.

So many things happen at once all because I became a band slut. I don't even think I want to be it anymore.

Look at all the bull shit it's got me in. I have these fucking judges coming after me for some reason. I'm going to be a hybrid whether I want to or not. Louis is going crazy. And Harry erased my parents memory when he said he wouldn't.

'I said I was sorry' the perpetrator's voice fills my thoughts.

'Sorry doesn't bring their memory back now does it!' I answer back.

All this bullshit happened because I had oral sex with a werewolf that's now dead and another hybrid. Fuck!

"Niall!" Luke yells my name, interrupting me from my thoughts.

"What" I say through my teeth. He looks at me funny before he starts to speak again.

"Zayn was saying he knows a place where we can get a potion to get your parents memory back" He says quietly.

"Whatever it takes. Where's the place your talking about?" I say standing up, followed by my friends.

"Kansas" Zayn answers. I scrunch my eyebrows in frustration trying to think where Kansas is.

"Like, Dorothy Kansas?" I ask.

"That's it. It's--" Zayn looks at his watch to check the time.

"8:37 pm here in Ireland so it's 2:37 am there. It's really early so no one should be up" Zayn says putting his hands into his jacket.

I look at my parents who is examining a clock. My mum puts half of it in her mouth and my dad starts to throw a fit about it. I look at Liam and speak.

"We need to hurry. Liam can you open a thingie again?" I question.

"A portal?" He says. I roll my eyes knowing he already knew what I meant.

"Yes a portal. Can you open one?"

"Is there 60 seconds in a minuet?"

"There is no fucking time for language arts! Can you open it or not!" I scream at him. He answers me by opening a portal to Kansas. I smile at Liam an step threw the familiar swirl known as the portal.

Sorry about that long wait. I didn't feel like updating so I didn't. But I took a ride all the way across town and I got some headphones, turned it up to full and poured 5sos and One Direction into my ears.

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now