Chapter 7

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Special Chapter

I wake up with a killer headache. I'm in a room, somewhat similar to mine but instead of walls it's stone. The fuck? I look to my left and see Louis laying there sleeping. and I instantly remember what happen.

I find myself searching the room looking for Calum. and there he was shivering looking at me with wide eyes. My heart starts to ache at the sight of this innocent...innocent... Werewolf?

I try to get off the bed but I was chained to it. What the hell is happening? Then my band mates come in looking normal. but I know better than to believe they really are. Calum cowers in the corner as Louis wakes up as a vampire not a "human"

"Morning sunshine" Harry says crossing over to Louis. The boys reluctantly follow Harry. Harry must have did something to him and Calum. wait... where's Ashton,Luke, and Michael

"Get the fuck away from me" Louis spits at Harry. Harry wipes his cheek and grabs Louis by the throat.

"Stop! you hurting him" I yell at Harry. I look at Louis has a plan face.

"I can't hurt him. I can't even kill him. God won't let it be." Harry says chuckling, pulling his hand away from Louis throat.

"Get Ashton, Luke and Michael" Harry commanded and the mates ran at vampire speed and came back in a second with them.

"Now that we're all here... Louis I told you not to show yourself to the humans, and since you did, I also told you it was going to be a punishment afterwards, did I not?" Louis shook his head yes.

"Hmm" is all Harry could manage.

"Since I'm not that cruel ill let you pick who you want to punish you. It could be anyone in this room" Harry finished. Louis blue/green eyes wandered the room looking for his punisher until they landed on Zayn. Zayn smirked and said

"Wrong choice" he walked up to Louis and started to make out with him fiercely.

"Who do you want Niall"

"Me? i didn't do a damn thing" I say worried.

"Yes you did"

"No I do-"

"Who do you want. Pick before I choose for you" Harry says.

"Uhh Ashton"

"It has to be a vampire" Harry says.

"Um You?" Harry smiled and I knew I picked the wrong choice.

"You probably had a better chance at living with Liam" he says walking over to me. He strips me of my clothing, to where I am fully naked. I then hear and ear piercing scream and I snap my head over to look at Louis. Zayn has extended his fangs into Louis neck. Louis rolls his eyes back. Not out of pain but out of pleasure. it dawned on me that they weren't going to punish us with pain.

"We're gonna punish you with sex" Harry says answering my thoughts. I look over at Liam who is already fucking Calum, who is howling.

He is giving Ashton and Luke organism with just one touch I his hand, while Liam orders Michael to suck Calum's large member, Repeatedly, they squirt cum, moaning in the process begging for Liam to stop. Out of no wear Harry touches my skin and I moan. he touches my skin in a more sensitive area and a cum a little.

"W-What are you d-doing?"I ask him.

"I'm finding out where you soft areas are so I can hit them every time with out trying to find them during sex." he answers. Oh God why me.

Don't just stop reading here go on! lol. I've noticed readers do that stop on chapter 7 or chapter 8.

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now