Chapter 14

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I know what I said about the reads... Just be glad I'm updating. lol

Louis P.O.V
Harry pressed me up against the wall and stuck his hand in my pants. a moan came out of my mouth when he said

"Man, you started with out me" I didn't even know I had started with out him. I'm not gay! Although his tongue is amazing if do say so myself.

Maybe I am gay. Maybe I should just stop talking to myself and enjoy this moment while it lasts.

I started to make back out with Harry and he moved his hand from my wrist to my hips, Pulling me closer to him. He mumbled something but I was to busy sticking my tongue down his throat.

He pulled away and I turned us around. I then dropped to my knees and started to pull down his jeans. I laughed and looked up at him.

"What's so funny?" He asked me.

"I can't get them down" He busted out laughing and the bathroom door opened. I thought she went back to Tennessee but I guess not.

She was wearing a red dress with black high heeled shoes. Her hair was tied back in a high pony tail and she had her hands crossed over her flat chest, with a smirk.

"Well. Well. Well." Taylor says. I scoot away from Harry who is beyond pissed.

(Haha look what I did. Ha cliff hanger. Don't worry I might update tomorrow. Lol The only reason I updated today because I'm on my dad's phone and he's sleeping. Oh I'm suppose to be "sick" today soooooo yeah. lol bye)

(P.S. I told you guys how short the chapters was gonna be so yea k bye sorry... bye)

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now