Chapter 13

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No offence but, I Remember when I started this book and the reads was in the 50's and 60's but not there just like 5, 16, maybe 20. If you don't mind could you guys get me more reads? I think there is like One person left reading this book and it makes me sad...

"Who the hell was he?" I ask as the hole shrinks into non-existence.

"Obvi a vampire. GIVE ME MY CARROTS BACK!!" Louis screamed some more. He managed to change int to his old clothes, Red pants, stripe shirt, red suspenders as Vans.

"Ok then..." I say clearly lost at what I was seeing. Louis styled his hair like the first time he audition for the X Factor. Lets just say... the style did not go well together.

"Louis... he thinks he 16 again. And he keeps switching before times. Like he keeps yelling-"

"Marcel! You bastard you was suppose to take me out for lunch today!" Louis says walking up to Harry and slapping him. Harry furrowed his eye brows with wide eyes.

"And where's your glasses. You can't see can you. Wow, it's true. You do look like your brother... I hate it put some glasses on your making me uncomfortable." Louis says sashaying away. Harry was so confused, you could tell by the look on his face.

"Well, the last time we talked to him, he was in the roman times" Liam says. Harry started to stare off in space and I already knew he was thinking about something dirty.

"Can I go to the bathroom I have to pee?" Harry says, glancing over to Louis.

"Uh sure" Paul says.

"I have to piss my face off" Louis says rushing in front of Harry to go to the bathroom. Harry chuckled and sped up his pace.

Harry's P.O.V

As I walk in, I see Louis putting his dick inside of his pants. As he went to the sink I stood at the sink watching him. he looked up at me and scrunched up his nose.

"Do you need something?" he asked clearly annoyed.

"Yeah, you" I say. Leaning down to kiss him and he pushes away from me. I look up at him with red in my cheeks.

"I-I'm not gay" he stutters. I forgot about this. When he was 16 he didn't come out of the closet yet. I decide to play along with him instead of forcing myself onto him.

"Louis... yes you are, I hear you masterbate to me at night" i say, stepping towards him. He backs away from me with a slightly horny look on his face. His cheeks are a rosy red as I continue to talk.

"I hear you moan my name as you reach your climax, and then get out of bed to clean up the mess. Your intoxicating thoughts of me touching you play through your head right now, aren't they?" I ask. He shakes his head an I smirk.

"Don't lie to me" I say. He then nods and I take a step closer to him. He didn't back away from me this time. I leaned down to kiss his neck and he shivers as my lips graze across his skin. I slid my hand down into his pants and he gasp loudly.

"Shhh we don't want the others to find out do we?" He shakes his head no and I smile as I feel a warm liquid on my hand.

"Man you started without me." I say.

If this chapter gets to idk 40 reads ill make an extra long chapter next chapter... I love you guys though.

The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now