Chapter 9

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"Your sentence is absolutely nothing. For standing up to the eldest of the vampires, you are free of charge. be on your way" The judge says with a tone to his voice.

"Bull shit! Your a fucking lier, And every vamp in the room knows it!" Harry shouted. The judge gave his body guards a look and one of the men looks at Harry and Harry starts to scream out of pain. What the hell?

"Stop" I say in the lowest voice I could manage. The room looks at me, even the guy who was torturing Harry. He stopped screaming and fell to the ground. All of a sudden, my vision blurs, and the next thing I know I break the shackles and go after the judge. All I hear is Louis say,

"That escalated quickly" Soon I am pulled back by the body guards. I break there grip and charge at the judge. I swipe my apparently long nails across his face and he hisses in my direction.

"For the cause of your actions... 2 of your friends shall die" The judge looked at me holding his hand to his face and smiling. I looked down at my self and notice, I'm not normal.

I'm no longer the friendly Nialler that everyone loves. I-I'm a monster! I have long nails and Hairy arms. I feel blood trickling down my lip as I realise that my fangs have punctured my bottom lip.

"The people who made you like this shall die, for they know it is a crime." The judge speaks.

"Wait! What am I? And don't kill my friends" The judge shakes his head with such disappointment.

"Your a hybrid. A mixture of Wolf and Vampire"

"H-How did I get this way, I didn't do anything" I stammer.

"Why don't you ask Michael and Calum?" The judge states. I look at them and they have tears in there eyes.

"We're sorry. We didn't think it would actual turn you" Calum said.

"We love you, a-and we will miss you" Michael says, trying his best not to sob. I feel my own cheeks getting wet and I look at the judge.

"You can't kill them! It's not there fault! They didn't know!" I plead. The judge wasn't buying it.

"They should have known" the judge pointed his finger in the direction of Calum and Michael and the body guards started to walk towards them. There eyes got wide and just as the guards reached them, Louis stepped up.

"Don't!" He screamed.

"Kill me instead. There only a couple years old, as I am older than them all"

"Louis what the hell! We was suppose to keep that a secret!" Harry shouted. Louis walked up to him and gave Harry a huge hug.

"Louis bear" is all Harry could manage. All of our friends was crying as Lou walked up to the middle of the court.

"Bye" is all he said. The guards came behind him and snapped his necked. I cringed at the crack as the sobs became louder. They then took out a lighter and set his body on fire.

"LOUIS!!!" Harry screamed. I wipe violently at my face before speaking.

"Can we go now" I say through my teeth. The judge smirked.

"No. Your friends here, minus one, has still revealed there true self to them. You may not leave since we found out you are a hybrid. You all will stay in the corridor below until your sentence." and just like that, the judge disappeared and we was escorted below to our holding cell.


"Here you go" the guard says throwing us all into one cell.

"Lou" Harry kept muttering on our way there. I walk over to him and tried to say soothing words into his ear, until he snapped at me.

"IT'S YOUR FUCKING FAULT HE'S DEAD!!" he yells. I step away from him. Angry, I didn't say anything to him. In this state, he's willing to blame anyone for comfort.

About 7 hours pass before a lights shines in the corner of the cell. Soon Louis face appears and he's smiling.

"Hey guys" he says. We all look at him like its real. I go forward to touch the shine and I feel skin in return. I snap my hand back.

"Lou how-"

"Shhh, Niall, I don't have time for your non-sense."

"Um... okay?"

"I just want to say I'm ok. it was hard to pull off that kind of stunt, but I did. I miscalculated and i kinda traveled back in time"

"What do you mean?" Harry ask.

"I mean, I'm back with the Romans-" soon we herd a loud shout from the background. He asked Louis who he was talking to. But he said it so formal, that I could barely understand.

"How did you go back in time?" Michael asked.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! I THOUGHT YOU WAS DEAD YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!" Harry shouts, not letting Louis answer Michaels question.

"Ha. You really thought I was dead? Michael and Calum knew. We had to pull off a show or else they wouldn't believe it" What the hell? When you think you know Louis Tomlinson... You really don't.

"I have to go. I'll talk to you guys later" Lou then reaches out and touches Harry's face and disappears.

"What the hell is going on here?" Ashton asks.

"I honestly don't know" I reply

Ha! did anyone actual think I killed Louis in the story. Lol. what if I killed Harry. or Luke. 😂😂😂.

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The Sexy Slave ~ Lashton, Malum, Nalum, Nuke, Miall, NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now