Good, Bad

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"I hate those assholes," I gritted my teeth after the words slip through my lips the moment I saw you walking down the hall with your other douche friends.

It's true, that you all are assholes.
Proven, not just in theory.

Hating you on the other hand...
Yeah, sure. And motherfucking pigs fly.

It's one of the lies I make myself and others believe as the truth.

That I prefer the good ones.
That I like selfless and gentle love.

I nearly chuckle to myself.

How can I fucking want something I cannot give?

My love, no matter how much I try it not to be, is selfish. Intense. Raw.

Lies. That I hate you and all the bad things that come with you, that you can do.

It doesn't take a genius to see that I am choosing the safe path for myself.

Choosing to like smooth over rough, even when I know I am craving the latter.

As absurd as it may be, it is also why I allowed myself to let you near. Almost let you in.

To prove a point.

Our eyes met as I take a long drag off my cigarette.

Am I just being smart? No, it's me being a coward and my futile attempts to get out of life's dirty claws.

I am as debauched as you, and yet I keep playing as one of the benign. Pretending to like the seemly.

After all, nothing good will ever come out of liking the bad...

RIGHT IN THE FEELS (a compilation)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon