here she comes.

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Damn, She is gorgeous!!! She's in a pair of white shorts, green top, converse, and a leather jacket that makes her look bad ass. Her makeup is dark, and she is just... Beautiful. She is hard, scary looking. In a sexy way though. Like a biker... That sounds stupid, dont say that.
Ugh her legs look so good!!!

No, focus shane. Don't be like that. She is a person... A person that makes you want to kiss her for ever... But no, you will be good. She deserves it.
"you're kind of staring." she laughed, not looking up at me.

She was doing that cute little thing she does when she's nervous where she cracked her nuckles and moved her shoulders, avoiding eye contact.

"No, I'm simply not looking away" i said, walking twords her.
"yeah, well I think you'd better stop, because my face is getting hot and its not fun." she said, shrugging as she finally looked up at me.

"why? You are so much more fun to look at." i said, getting closer.
I wanted to kiss her, it just seemed so tempting. But then again, this is the start of our first date, she can hardly look at me, and my mother is close... Damn it.
Go for the hug instead, play it safe.

"so, your mother refuses to tell me where we're going." she said with a light laugh.
"don't worry, you will love it, I promise." I said, sounding mysterious.

She gave me an unsure look, but I knew she would be up for it. She really enjoyed this kind of stuff.
"hop in and you can find out!" i said, walking with her to her door.

"well, if you have shopping, dancing, or anything having to do with pink, you may die." she said jokingly... I hope.

We were going to a monster truck rally to raise money for breast cancer. This would deffinately mean alot to both of us.

We lost a friend to breast cancer about three years ago. Her name was Amy, and she was... Amazing. Not in the way that pretty girl across the room in class is amazing, but in the way only a terminal patient could be. She never complained, and I mean never. She was more concerned with your headache than her radiation sickness. It was never about her, where she was concerned. It was about every body around her. If I could pick the most positive girl, I would pick her. Inspirational Speaker extraordinaire. This meant more than anyone would ever know. And we get to be a part of it.

"well, just wait and see." I said, winking at her as I walked her to her side of the truck and opened her door.

She smiled and climbed into the truck, smiling as I closed the door.
"Good luck" my mom whispered as she hugged me, holding me for a second longer than nessicary.
"thanks" I laughed, letting go slowly.
As I walked away, I looked at the beautiful girl I was taking out.

You could hardly see the bruises if you knew what you were looking for.
How'd I get so lucky? Oh yeah, her ex knocked the shit out of her, and I got to get her so I could treat her like a princess. She deserves everything. So much more than me.
I'm gonna make the best of the time I have. I dont know how much I have left, but I will make it count, I promise.
I climbed into the truck just as she started singing "carry on my wayward son" like a dork. She was so perfect.

"she's got eyes of the bluest skies, as if they thought of rain, I hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain" I watched her sing and laughed as she began playing the air guitar to it.

She looked over and saw me staring... What do I do???
"you're doing it again." she laughed, slapping my chest jokingly.
"doing what?" I said, feigning my best innocent voice.
"You're staring at me like im... I don't know, something fragile and beautiful. Something not me." she said, touching her bruise.

I gently pushed a piece of Hair out of her face, forcing her to look at me.
"you are beautiful to me." I whispered, wanting to kiss her more than ever.
"yeah, or maybe you're just trying to make me feel better after a break up." she laughed, looking away.

Why can't she just look at me and understand how much I mean it!!!
"But thank you." she smiled as she looked at me. She was blushing again. Doesn't she know how hard she makes it not to kiss her?

"Any time" i replied with a grin. I couldn't help it. She made me so happy I couldn't stop smiling sometimes just looking at her.
I think I'm starting to scare her.
"so, where might we be going?" she asked, hitting my arm softly to pull me back to earth.

"You are so determined to figure this out, huh? What happened to Mrs. Adventure?"
I teased, trying to play it cool... Failing epically, I might add.
I thought I was doing well until she actually asked me if I was nervous... How embarrassing!

"Im fine. Just a little shaky I guess. Its been a while since I have taken a girl out." I said quietly, trying not to embarass myself worse.

"But you had your old girlfriend, she counts, doesn't she?" Charlie asked, staring at me with a hard questioning look.
"Lets just say she wasn't you." I replied gently, trying to move on from the subject.
Not apparently her plan I guess.
"No, she was prettier, sweeter, cuter, classier, amd everything I'm not." she said defiantly, glaring at me.

"dont say that." I snapped, refusing to take my eyes off the road.

"as if it isn't true? She was a good girl, not good enough for you, but a good girl." she said, looking out the window in angry silence.

"she isn't you. That's what matters, and I could never do any better than you, but you don't get it because you have been pounded so many times and told that you were worthless. Every time he took a drink, he decided it was an excuse to make you feel horrible so you wouldn't feel good enough for someone else. But you are, you deserve everything you could ever dream of, but instead he gave you everything you didn't deserve.He never treated you right... Just let me treat you right?" I finished, trying not to break my stare at the window in anger.

"...okay." she whispered, not breaking her stare out the window. The rest of ghe car ride, we sat with the music playing low, neither of us breaking eye contact with the window.

When we finally got to the rally, I came around to open the window, and she slammed me into the car, kissing me... And damn it was a good kiss. Her lips were soft, and as she put her hands around my neck, I couldn't help but wish we could be like this forever. I would do anything to keep kissing her. I kept going until she forced me to stop.

"now show me what I deserve." she whispered, taking my hand and looking around as her eyes lit up.
... Did that really just happen? Holy shit, she kissed me. Not just any kiss, the kind that made your heart jump into your throat and made you shiver when it was over. It was absolutely perfect.

"Did you know we were going here?!?!" she asked, almost yelling.
"of course!" I laughed, kissing her cheek.
A risk, honestly. But it was worth it to see her blush.

"it's perfect." she smiled, looking around at everything.
"It really is." I whispered in her ear, smiling.
I let go of her hand, wrapping my arm around her as we got in line.
Suddenly I realized I had "buisness" to take care of.
"um... Charlie, I gotta pee." I cooed, begging like a five year old.
"then go, I'm fine." she laughed, pushing me twords the door.
I walked to the bathrooms, glancing back at her while she stood slightly awkwardly. It was funny to watch her so uncomfortable.

I walked over to see some guy talking to her.
As soon as I was in earshot I got pissed.
All i heard was "cmon baby, come a little closer."
"no thanks!" she said forcefully.
"why not? Don't play hard to get, you know you wanna come over and have some-" he was cut of when I walked over, putting my arm around her waist, kissing her softly.

I am a bigger guy, not fat, but buff. I stand at 6'3 and 220 pounds. I guess I used that to my advantage tonight.
"I see you got to her first" the guy kept going... He's drunk or stupid... Wait, any guy who talks to a woman like that is both.
"yeah, and if you don't back the hell off, your gonna find out just how much she doesn't want it." I said, glaring at him and squeezing her tighter.
He threw his hands up in mock surrender, and shrugged.
"sorry, didn't mean to try taking your piece." he laughed, backing up.

I was pissed. So pissed i could hardly see strait. Did he really just call her my "piece"? Like a piece of ass?
Before I knew what i was doing, I hit him... Hard. He fell backwards, putting his hand over his mouth and staring up at me.
Blood started streaming inbetween his fingers.
Then, he ran. Good for him, because I was planning on hitting him harder in a minute.

Charlotte just stood there, silently shocked.
This night could either be amazing or horrible... Time to find out which.

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