homeward bound(shane)

14 1 1

"babe, stop. I need to pee."
I laughed, knowing what she really wanted was to get away from the smell of my cigarette. She hated it when I smoked.

"you sure you can't hold it 'till we get home?" I smiled, taking another long drag. This felt good. I hadn't had a smoke since the accident, and damn, I missed it.

"no, I really gotta go. Like I'm gonna pee on the seat." she laughed, looking at me with begging eyes.

"okay. Only because you just made me the happiest man in the world, and I'm the only one who gets to wake up to that beautiful smile." I smiled, trying to kiss her.

She moved away, avoiding my lips.
"you taste like an ash tray. You know how I hate that." she said sternly, unbuckling her seat belt as the car stopped.

I watched her walk away, her butt swaying from side to side. She walked like a duck... It's cute.

I waited, watching her come back out before I took a long drag. I had a plan.

She smiled at me, seeing I no longer had my cigarette. Immediately I kissed her, blowing smoke into her mouth. She smiled into my kiss, laughing as she blew it all out. She had quite about a year ago, but old habits never really die. They just go dormant for a while.

"Damn, I miss that." she mumbled, kissing me again, laughing a bit.

I started the car again, driving off towards home. She turned on the music, making me jump before I realized what had happened.

"War pigs" by black sabath began to play, and she yelled with it the best she could, headbanging with the music.
She always seemed like the soft and sweet type, gentle and cute... Until you pissed her off and realized she was tough, hard headed, and wasn't afraid to hit hard.

That's what made her so adorable. She was like TNT. Small package for a big blast.

As soon as we got home, I opened my door, grabbing my crutches and hobbling over to open her door, kissing her as she got out.

"welcome home, baby." I whispered, nibbling her ear lobe lightly as I wrapped my arms around her. She was beautiful, and soft, and... Damn, I'm a lucky man.

"let's go inside, so you can make me breakfast." she laughed, walking ahead of me to open the door. As soon as I walked in, she hugged me, letting go after a minute.

"I need pj's and a shower. Sound good?" she whispered, kissing my cheek and running upstairs. Immediately I began making breakfast, the smell of bacon and eggs making me hungrier and hungrier.

I could hear the shower running, and it finally sunk in...

She was here. And she's not going anywhere... She loves me. She wants me to stay. I'm so damn lucky.
I've got the most beautiful girl living with me, cuddling with me, making me smile. Perfect bliss.

"could I be any luckier?" I mumbled under my breath, smiling.
Life's just gotten better and better.

I heard the shower turn off, and continued cooking, my thoughts drifting towards the future ahead of us.

I felt her cold hands wrap around my waist, slipping under my tshirt, rubbing my stomach. She was freezing, and I shrieked, trying not to burn myself on the stove.

"you're warm. Stop moving." she mumbled, smiling against my back and rubbing my stomach lightly.

"but you're to damn cold. Let me cook you food while you actually put on clothes instead of standing here in your towel." I laughed, smacking her butt as she walked away.

"shut up and cook!!!" she hollered, running up the stairs and throwing a pair of sweats and a tank top on.

I just wanna kiss her and snuggle and watch movies and hold her while she sleeps. I'm so damn excited to spend my time living with her, taking care of her.

Finally, she ran down stairs, jumping on my back as I put the eggs, bacon and hash browns on a plate on the table.

"... Thank you baby!!!" she half yelled in her childish voice, making me giggle a bit. I turned around, kissing her until she gave in, kissing me back. That's when I realized how much I wanted her... More of her.
More than I could have... For now.

"you're welcome, baby girl. Maybe in a little bit we can cuddle up and I can kiss you until you're eyes can't stay open. We can snuggle and kiss until you fall asleep." I whispered, kissing her soft spot on her neck, just above her collar bone.

She moved away, smiling and sitting down to eat. I sat down with my own food, eating in silence... I couldn't stop staring at her. She was yoo damn beautiful. Way to beautiful to be here. With me. She's so out of my league.

"I can feel your eyes burning a hole in my forehead. Please avert your eyes while I am eating. Thank you." she laughed, finishing quickly and getting up to put her plate in the sink.

I moved as quickly as I could, pulling her into a kiss. It felt like it lasted forever, yet still ended to quickly... The feeling was impossible to lice without, and I never planned to.

"I'm tired. Let's go to the basement and cuddle up? I'm tired."I mumbled, kissing her harder and pulling her downstairs vy the hand. This was absolutely amazing. She was absolutely amazing.

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