never shed a tear.(charlie)

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Damn idiot.
My boyfriend is an idiot...
An idiot I love...

It's been three weeks since the accident, and it's been amazing. He makes me feel so happy... I almost forget how james used to make me feel...
But none if that shit mattered now, I had brett, and shane, and dahlia, and my friends. I had what I needed...
A family.

"babe!" I heard shane yell, walking into the kitchen and seeing me puting away his dishes.

He has been gone for two days, and I promised him I'd wait for him at his place with burritos, milkshakes, and fries... We're a bit odd.

I ran and jumped onto him, laughing at the scared look in his eyes. It was priceless.
He had left to bail out on his roommate on campus, who'd taken it pretty well.

Turns out, the college he's attending allows you to graduate with all online classes and still be considered a student at that school.

Don't think he's staying for me, because he's not... Not completely for me, anyways.
Dahlia is moving, she just retired and needs him to either keep the house or rent it out or do something with it.
She is giving him the house, 100% payed off.

This was what parents should do.
Not ditch their kids.
But that's not my problem anymore.

It's birthday, aka 2 days before my parents left me and my brother at the hospital...
I'm sorry if I'm a bit bitchy as of late, I just... Tend to get a little moody around this time of year. It usually happens after my birthday though. Weird.

"happy birthday, love." he whispered in my ear, swinging me around and falling on the couch, pulling me over by him.

This was the life.
He knew how I could get on days like this, but that didn't stop him from being the best boyfriend he could be. He didn't run when I had a hard time like other guys did... He stuck around.

I guess he understood, his dad leaving and all... He just stayed. Not a normal thing for me, a guy actually sticking around... It was nice.

"so, you have me all day... What do you wanna do?" he asked, kissing my nose and laughing.
He was so dang cute.

"um... I was thinking maybe we could go over to the fireworks stand and get some last minute stuff for tonight?"
... Not what you think.
I was born on the fourth of July, and we have like almost every thing except fire crackers.

It was a tradition between me, brett, and shane to have a firecracker war.
This year, it would be epic.

"babe, do we have to do it again this year? Last year didn't end so well." he wined, pulling up his shirt to reveal the scar he'd gotten last year.
It had happened when I threw one near him and he fell on it, burning him and leaving one heck of a scar.

"well, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!" I laughed, kissing his cheek softly and then walking to the dining room table to grab my stuff and change.

"well, if we're going for fireworks, then can we go for ice cream too? I've been having a craving." he laughed, getting up to change too.

He was in a white tshirt and sweats, deffinately not prepared for going out in public... But I wasn't complaining, he looked good.

I walked behind him, into his room to grab ny makeup. I was looking rough to say the least.

"I know it was only a few days, but damn did I miss you." he scared me, whispering in my ear and grabbing my hips from behind.

I squirmed, laughing and continuing to put clothes away. He was warm, safe, and perfect... He was home.

"well, I need to get dressed, and you sir, need to shower!" I giggled, pulling him in for a hard kiss, lasting only a few seconds.

He was the best kisser a woman could ask for, he always matched me. Whether it was sweet or hot, soft or hard, quick or passionate, he was just to amazing at it for his own good... Or mine.

"maybe we could put off going for a little bit, stay home and catch up?" he asked with a devious smile, kissing me even better this time, making me laugh.

"no need to get ourselves into trouble. Let's just leave, an-" he cut me off, kissing me again, making ne forget how to stand for a second.

The feeling I get when I see that beautiful boy smile is so amazing... He makes my heart skip a beat, slow down, stop, race, and drop. With one look, he could kill me. With one touch, he could revive me.
With one kiss, he could get me in very big trouble.

"wh-what was I saying?" I stammered, a bit thunderstruck and a little lost. Damn he was good.

"you were saying how much you loved me and wanted to stay the night and have a little more fun than usual." he said, finishing only an inch from my lips.
He held on to me, his hands on my lower back to keep me up.

I was 18... Finally legal to make my own decisions, but... To him, it also meant legal for... "other things."

If that's what he wants, he's sadly mistaken cuz that's not happening... Not until he marries me.

"oh, wait, I was telling you what a damn horndog you are!" I half yelled/half laughed, hitting his chest as I smiled at him.

He would be the death of me.
"well, yeah, I guess that's possible... Or, maybe I just missed you and am a normal guy sitting in front of a gorgeous girl, and wanting her." he smiled, pressing his lips gently against mine, making me smile into his kiss.

"well, I have to sleep at brett's anyways. I'm sorry, but I would sleep here forever if I could." I sort of begged, wanting him to believe me.

"... Why can't you?" he laughed, a smile sneaking onto his face.

"move in with me, you're 18 now, and I love you... Move in?"


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