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(james pov)

I didn't mean it. Obviously I didn't mean it... I love her, I need her back. I need her to love me again.

I put her in the damn hospital, twice!
I wasn't sober or happy. I didn't break up with that other bi-... Girl. She broke up with me, and I was pissed, so I drank. When I drink, I'm either an amazing boyfriend, or a horrible one.

Apparently I was horrible yesterday. Really horrible. I feel so guilty. I hurt her again... I never wanted to hurt her. Never.

"Suprise." a soft voice from behind me called, deep and low.

Oh shit... That's brett.

"why don't you see the present I have for you?" he whispered, getting closer and closer.

He was gonna kick my ass... Again.
I deserve it. I need to know what I made her feel. I deserve one hell of alot more than what he can do to me.

She's beautiful.
She slept almost all through the night, except when a woman down the hall had a night terror and screamed until her throat bled... Sweet, huh?

But here she was, laying next to me, pulling me as close as she could. She was mumbling again, and it was adorable. I can't hear a word she's saying, but she keeps giggling and smiling. This was the happiness she deserved... She deserves perfection.

The doctors walked in, smiling at us. I wasn't supposed to sleep here, visiting hours were way past over, but the nurse allowed it when charlie started crying and freaking out from fear. She wasn't ready to be alone.

"goodmorning baby girl." I whispered, kissing her cheek.
Watching her eyes flutter open reminded me how innocent she really is. She looked like a little girl again, her little nose red from the freezing temp they kept the hospital at, and her rosy cheeks perdect for pinching.
She was gorgeous, and she didn't even have to try anymore.

"goodmorning sexy" she whispered in my ear, ruining my idea of her innocence with two words. I liked her like this. She was happy.

I got out of bed, walking around to use the bathroom while she had her exams done to check how her concussion was healing. Two in a year can't be good.

I was washing my face when she walked in, hugging me from behind and breathing on my back through my tshirt.
I was still on crutches, but if I wasn't, I would have picked her up and kissed her until we both couldn't breath... Instead, I pivoted on my good foot, and wrapped my arms around her, feeling her relax under my arms.

"please don't leave me?" she whispered softly, kissing my neck before leading me out of the bathroom and back to bed.

She pulled me towards her and snuggled up as close as possible, kissing my chin before attempting to fall back asleep.

I guess the morphine kicked in quick.

Wanna here something creepy?
I watched her sleep.

She started mumbling again, rolling until she almost fell off the bed. I couldn't help but laugh, which woke her up... Bad idea.

"What the hell?!?!?!" she hollered, looking around the room in confusion.

"baby, you're okay. You have a concussion, they have you on morphine, and I'm assuming mixing the two isn't helping you with your anxiety. But I'm here. Right here."

Somewhere in the middle of my small speach, she calmed down enough to hug me, smelling me for a second.

"I love that smell... Wow,that came out weird." she laughed, blushing a bit.
"It just smells like home." she kissed me softly, getting up and walking/waddling to the tray that held her untouched breakfast.

"this shit is cold... When do we leave?" she mumbled, walking back and hugging me.
I loved it when she said "we." It reminds me that this is real. I really do have her.

"well, they said you should be good to go in an hour or so." I smiled, knowing she was moody, tired, and needed to be cuddled and kissed and buttered up with love and compliments... Okay, the compliments, she didn't need... But I need to tell her. I want to keep her.

"... Take me home." she mumbled, squeezing me tighter.

"With brett?" I asked, not sure how to feel.

"No... To our home. I wanna do this. I'm ready. Does the offer still stand?" she looked up at me, smiling with her beautiful puppy dog eyes.

My heart jumped,and I began to think of all the things that would change. She and I would cuddle all night, make breakfast at two in the morning, kiss all day, watch movies... This was it.

"On one condition... Promise you'll stay?" I whispered, kissing her softly.

My heart is racing with excitement.

I can't wait to get her out of here.

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