reality sucks (brett)

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I can't believe it...This can't be happening. Not again.

I told her that she shouldn't be back at work yet... What the hell happened?
I got a text saying
"text from: baby sis

This text is to inform you that charlotte williams is now in a hospital, and has placed you as the emergency contact. Please arive at the soonest time possible, at Atlanta emergency hospital."

How do I tell shane?

"hey, is everything okay?"
I hardly heard him. I was panicing... How do I help him stay calm when I can hardly breath? I am starting to shake now.

"Brett, what's wrong? Cmon man, not funny. What the hell's wrong???" he's panicing... Great.

I guess I might as well just... Spit it out.

"charlie's in the ER... Something's wrong."

He stared at me for a minute, trying to decide how to react...

He grabbed my keys, trying to run on crutches. I caught him right before the door, took my keys, and helped him into the truck.

He was shaking too, and we couldn't meet each other's eyes... This is what hell feels like.
What happened??? What could have happened to her?
Honestly, I don't think I want to know... Not knowing and worrying feels better than to know and feel the pain of the truth.

"we're about five minutes out... She's gonna be fine." Brett mumbled, more to himself that to me. He was scared too...

My hands are sweating and I could hardly see straight. We finally pulled up, and I darted from the car, forgetting my crutches... My bloody palms proved that was a bad idea.

Brett picked me up and handed me my crutches, trying to wait for me due to me being slower. He was panicing just as much as me... I feel like crying... This is horrible.

We walked in, past a woman and her newborn baby and it's father, presumably.
I walked/hopped to the front desk as fast as possible, taking half hazard leaps to get there faster.

She was on the phone, not that that was gonna keep me from finding out about charlie.

"excuse me ma'am, could you please tell me where charlotte williams is?" I begged aggressively, staring at her with more confidence than I'd felt I had in me.

She glared at me for a moment before looking at her computer and typing as slowly as possible.

Finally she looked up, glancing and brett and I with a suspicious look.

"you two family?" she asked gruffly, still holding a look of anger and annoyance.

"We're her brothers." Brett replied fast, looking at me.

The woman gave a look of suprise, before answering.
"she already has one upstairs with her... James was the name, I believe." she replied shortly, giving us "visitors" passes.

Immediately my blood ran cold. Brett and I took off down the hall way as she shouted out the room number after us.
"room 111, be quiet, some are trying to heal!" she shouted louder than any man could have.

But I didn't hear her... I didn't really care what else she had to say.

When we reached the room, we heard a man's voice inside... James voice.

"please baby, I miss you... I'll take care of you. I'll be better..."
We heard mumbling from inside, charlie to quiet to hear.

"oh, her? We broke up today... I heard what happened and I... I couldn't stay away any more. I miss you so damn bad. Every other girl is so horrible compared to you... You were mine first, darlin...don't you remember how good it used to be? We would go out to parties, or sit under the stars, or watch movies... We would cuddle and kiss... We had a good thing and I messed it up... I'm sorry, babe. I miss that little soft spot on your neck, remember when I'd kiss you there, and you'd moan a bit, and giggle, saying I was getting myself into trouble... Well, you were right. I fell in love and thought I was entitled to your body. I was wrong. I want you back."

I couldn't stand another second of this. I stormed in just in time to see her slap him, wiping his taste off her lips.

Thata girl.
I walked up to hom, and he looked like a deer in the head lights. He was about to be road kill.

I swung hard, and heard the crunch of his nose... Perfect.

"my beautiful, amazing, perfect girlfriend... And my spot on her neck. I protect What's mine... Next time I see you around here, I'll kill you... And if you touch her in any way ever again? It'll be a slow, painful death. Get the hell out."

He layed there for a moment, and I spat on his chest... Not mature, but very satisfying.

He scrambled up and left, running out to see a nurse. She wouldn't meet my eyes... What happened?

"you okay?" I finally mumbled, trying to hold myself up without the crutches I'd ditched in the hallway.

She just put her head back on the pillow, and patted her bed for me to sit down... Being on the other side of this hurt incredibly badly. I was worried sick.

Some how though, she was still damn beautiful. She looked like an angel, and my heart jumped when she cuddled up next to me, pulling me in tighter.

"what happened, baby?" I said as quietly as possible, holding her tigher.
She paused, looking around for someone... Something.

"I was working and... James came in and he said I was..." she paused, getting choked up. I can't stand seeing her like this.

"he said a few things he shouldn't have and I swung at him and he... He hit me... Hard..." tears were Streaming down her face by now and I couldn't stop them...

"I'm not pressing charges. It's no big deal. It's not the first time, but it's the last... I'm done with him... I just wish he'd go die in a damn hole somewhere." she started sobbing, and turned away from me.

My blood was boiling, but when Brett got up and I tried to follow, she pulled me back down, hard. She wrapped her arms around me as tightly as she could, burrying her face in my arm and stifling her hiccups and sobs.

She needs me... I won't spend another minute thinking about him when I've got my baby girl here. But I feel like killing him is the best thing I can do... What the hell is this? I mean so many things have gone wrong since we started this!

She looked up at me, her face red and puffy from crying... And she was still beautiful.

"I love you." she whispered, kissing me softly before she layed her head back down, looking up at me.

"I love you too... More than you know."
I whispered, grabbing her and kissing her back, trying to make her forget the tears. I hope someday she'll forget all of the pain... I hope I can show her how much more she's worth... I need her to live with me... And she needs it too.
She just can't see it yet.

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