Down to Nothing

18 1 0


I'm listening down stairs for a knock, praying for food... I'm starving.

The shower's already gone cold, and I smell like a bar. Thank God my mom isn't here to see me. She'd kill me.

I finally heard a knock at the door, but not a voice I'd wanted to hear.

"Hey babe!" I heard him yell, along with her little feet running towards him.

I jumped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and throwing a pair of sweats on before running down stairs.

They were wrestling over his keys, laughing like crazy.
They haven't seen me... How do I not so awkwardly make them aware I'm here?

Before I knew what I was doing, I walked towards them, peeling charlotte off of him and kissing her hard, proving my point.
She is mine.

"Hey babe, what was that for?" she smirked, biting her lip a bit.
She looked hot. Like really hot.
If he wasn't here, I'd drag her upstairs and never let her leave.

Okay, calm down shane. No kidnapp or holding people against their will. It's wrong.
I thought to myself, pecking her on the nose before answering.

"For looking so damn delicious." I mumbled, looking over to Rory as if I'd forgotten he was there.

I hadn't... I knew ge was watching, and he'd better remember who had the girl here.

"hey, shane... How've you been?" Rory mumbled, sticking his hand out for a shake.

We had never gotten along in highschool, but I respected him for how he treated charlie... Until she became my girlfriend. Now I find him a bit to close for comfort.

"Good, man. I mean with her, how could you be bad?" I joked, taking his hand and giving it a shake.
He had huge hands... I hate him even more now.

"Hey babe? Rory is a little... Tipsy. So he's staying here tonight. Okay?" Charlie mumbled, grabbing the keys quickly before running to hide them.

"so, your mom told me to tell you not to get into trouble... Something about not getting her pregnant." he said, sounding extremely unsure, and hardly paying attention.

He was waiting for her, just like me. I hate the way he looks at her... Damn, a drink sounds good right now.

A loud crash came from the kitchen, making both me and Rory jump.
"what the hell?!" I yelled, walking into the kitchen slowly.

She was sitting on the ground, her foot bleeding, glass everywhere.
"I wanted... A drink." she finished, looking up at us with tears in hwr eyes before she laughed, completely confused.

Rory ran over and picked her up, putting her on the table before grabbing the first aid kit.

I took her hand, kissing inbetween her knuckles softly and smiling.
She smelled like fruit... So sweet and... Perfect.

"You okay, babe? Why didn't you ask for help?" I laughed softly, looking at her foot again.

It was right on the arch of her foot, and deeper than I thought. It looked awful.

"I know how you are about Rory and I wanted you guys to get a minute to get to know eachother... I thought it would be good for you guys." she mumbled back, closing her eyes and wincing as I inspected it.

He walked back in, watching me examine the cut on her foot.
"Does it hurt, baby?" I asked softly, taking the rubbing alcohol and avoiding her eyes.

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