wake up.

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I got out of the hospital today, and I'm gonna hang out with Brett tonight, apparently. Charlie has to work and can't take sick days for the first 3 months. Now I guess I'll have to settle for her brother.

Today is her first day, and I can't wait until she comes home... Maybe my truck needs a tune up? Oh wait... I can't drive.

I may not be allowed to drive, but they gave me these little blue pills and they make me feel awesome... Like superman.

And yet, I can do almost nothing by myself.
Only slightly demasculating, and very aggravating. But it's only for a bit longer... Like 2-4 months.

I may not like being coddled all the time, but sometimes, it's... Nice. I guess I just need to learn how to let her take care of me for a while, and pay her back with kisses and cuddles and reminders of why I love her. Perfect.

"hey, um... Do you think maybe we could go get something to eat?"
I had forgotten that Brett was in the car for a little bit, to busy thinking about charlie.

"yeah, sure. Where do you wanna go?" I laughed, tearing my eyes from the window to look at him.

"I was thinking we could sit down somewhere... Nash's?"
... Well, that didn't sound good, but if I know brett well enough, he could just be trying to make me squirm so might as well just wait and see.

"sounds great. I'm dying for some real food."
He smiled but said nothing. We just sat there, waiting to find out exactly what he was gonna scare me with this time.

He got out and ran to my side if the car, grabbing my crutches and helping me out if the car. We walked into Nash's, a cute little diner in the middle of town. It has the best damn burgers you've ever tasted, and never failed to be almost empty. Always a good place to talk... And not a good sign.

We walked in and I saw him... James.
We both stared at him for a minute before he noticed us... And he was eating with his ex. Or, apparently his girlfriend, considering the way she was sucking on his neck like it was an inhaler.

Immediately he got up, and no matter how much I wanted to hit him, I knew I couldn't do shit with a busted leg.

Brett, on the other hand, could do whatever he damn well pleased, and from the looks of it, he was on his last ounce of self control.

James went to the window and payed, grabbing his girlfriend's hand and running out the other door, avoiding eye contact.
Brett and I just stared at eachother for a minute...

Feeling this pissed of wasn't exactly good.
I have a tendency to get pissed and I end up thinking I could throw a car. Never good.

"you wanna sit down, or do you wanna just stand there and look pretty?" a young blonde with bubblegum pink lips asked, winking.

Brett smiled, laughing a bit... Wait, she was flirting with me? Dammit... How do I let her down nicely?

Brett spoke up, helping me out.
"um... Could we have a booth? His leg's a little tense and..."
They kept talking, but I'd stopped listening. My phone went off, and charlie's text is way more important. Regardless of what it was.

Text from: baby girl

Hey babe:) sorry I couldn't pick you up today:/ maybe we could cuddle up tonight and catch up? Oh, and goodmorning:)

How damn cute.

Text to: baby girl

Goodmorning beautiful:) no worries about picking me up, brett's taking me out;) haha miss you baby girl. Tonight sounds great... Could you stay the night? I really sorta need you tonight.

I sound needy... Great. Oh well, broken leg means I'm allowed every once in a while.
"shane! Cmon!" brett half laughed, half yelled, sitting down at our booth.

Apparently they had left without me. How sweet.
"so to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" I joked, sitting down and looking at brett as levely as I could.

He just let out a huge breath, and all I could do was close my eyes and wait for him to do one of two things.
1. Hit me for asking her to move in, or
2. Tell me that he didn't want us to be together because of my anger shit.

Instead, he said this.
"I'm getting deployed again... In a month. And, I need lottie to have a place to stay. She can't be alone that long, atleast not yet legally. But I know you asked if she would move in... I was wondering if that offer still stands?"

When I opened my eyes, all I could do was smile... This would be perfect. No sex, but still perfect.

"the offer is always open." I said, hardly above a whisper. I was in shock... Wait, where is he going?

He smiled at me, and began talking, as if on que.
"I'm going to Washington... Not exactly the front lines, but they need me. I applied because it would be closer to where my girl's going to college... I forgot lottie couldn't pick up and move too."

"well... Do you think you could get her to say yes? Cuz she didn't seem to eager to say yes when I asked... As a matter of fact, she ran and cried..."

Brett stopped, mid bite, and stared at me for a moment.

"have you met that girl? If she says no, you've gotta let her decide it's the right thing to do. Wait for a bit. Okay? I'll try to wear her down... And so should you. All three of us need this."

He just looked at me for a minute, desperation dripping from his facial expression.

He's spent his entire life taking care of her, all he wanted was a life if his own... Well, he will get one, as long as charlie wants one with me.

"well, you two seem pretty damn serious, anything I can do for you?"

The bubblegum bimbo is back.
Okay, not nice but... She sorta seems like a home wrecker.

"um... Can I get a bacon burger and a side of tots?" I laughed, breaking the silence.

She smiled, writing my order down.
"anything to drink, babe?" she flirted, winking as she wrote.

"um... Dr. Pepper, please?" I tried to avoid making eye contact. That never ended well.
"sure thing, sugar. And what about you, what can I get ya?" she smiled, flirting with him too. Must be how she gets good tips.

Okay, really not nice.
"the same, please... Thank you" he said, also trying to avoid eye contact. This was gonna be a long lunch. She wouldn't leave!!!

"My name's clair, by the way." she smiled, walking towards the kitchen to place our orders.

"this is it... This is the start of my life with my baby." brett mumbled, smiling as he stared out the window.
I was thinking the same thing.

Everything has changed so damn quick, I've been with charlie, 3 months... Speaking of which, she has another year of school... Shit.

I can deal... I just hope those boys are smart and realize that what's mine is mine, and I'm not big on sharing...

She is the most perfect person. Well, obviously not perfect, but that's the reason she is so amazing for me... She doesn't expect me to think the way she talks in her sleep, giggles when I kiss her, when she uses her baby voice to beg or falls... She has no idea how much more I love her... I love her for every perfection and imperfection. It makes her mine. And now, I get to take care of her even better. Even more. I finally get to provide for her, the way she's always deserved.

Brett's phone went off, and we both jumped. He looked at his phone, and his face dropped... Thats not good.

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